Intrepidfox's study log

More than 10,000 reviews done. Wow…


I’m amazed with progress you do, even if your weeks are tough you manage to keep up the pace you have. Recently I had exams in my uni and because of that I wasn’t able to keep up with 7/8 days per level pace and got stuck on the level 10 for 20 days. But you manage to do even more than just wanikani it’s fantastic, you have my respect.

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Ohh, thanks! I have a massive advantage of being an academic, so especially now that I do not teach, just research I can make time for other things as long as I keep up with my research work. Especially now with the archives and libraries closed, it is not too difficult to sneak in 20-30 minutes here and there for Japanese.
My pace on WK is getting more to the 9-10 days per level, but as I said I have a job where it is not that difficult to fit chunks of time in throughout the day. I would not worry about spending more time on levels, slow and steady is often much better than fast and furious.


Last week finished やがて君になる. :partying_face: I also decided to change up some of the resources I use. Instead of KW and Kitsun I switched to KameSame because there I can set it to do JLPT5 vocab and practice both recognition and production.

I also started watching 幼女戦記. :smiling_imp:

To help with the Genki grammar I started watching Tokini Andy’s videos and they are so helpful! To supplement Genki also wathing Cure Dolly’s Japanese from scratch series. Once you get used to the grating voice, it is super helpful and explains things in a very clear way. All this is going into my Notion Japanese grammar page.

19-25 April

Wanikani X X X X
KameSame X X X X
Genki I X
Cure Dolly X
Native lang.
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Thanks for sharing your materials!) I liked the format of Cure Dolly series so I will continue to watch it.
Is it enough to get a grasp of basic Japanese grammar?

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I’m not sure. I think CD deals quite well with the beginner stuff, but I like to have different sources, helps me understand things better. Having said that, I think CD gives a pretty solid base.


Woohoo, double digits! I think I found a good rhythm for myself at around the 10 day mark for each level, so trying to keep to that from now.

Also, last night I watched the first episode of 約束のネバーランド in Japanese with Japanese subtitles on Netflix and I was quite surprised how much of it I actually understood by looking at the subtitles. My listening comprehension needs work though.


Congrats! Could you tell me what percentage did you understand by watching? Recently I tried myself with nhk easy and wrote down some stats, I understood around 50% of kanji but only around 20% of words, so now I’m interested in your stats ^^ By the way I’m going to keep on tracking nhk progress to make some beautiful graphics in the end)

I love study but I rly don’t like exams :sweat:

I’m really not sure of the exact percentage. Some of it I knew and some of it just clicked as I was watching.

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Is all okay? Haven’t seen new updated from you for a while :sweat:

Oh, hi, thanks for checking in! I have been quiet in the forums, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition and had to spend some time in the hospital. I kept up with Wanikani, just did not have the energy to be social on the forums. All good now, but it took some time to adjust.

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Time to resurrect this thread. I had to deal with some health issues in the last half a year or so and simply did not have the mental capacity to keep up with Japanese. But now I am back! :partying_face:

I reset WK from level 16 to 12. I had too many reviews (1,600+) and my accuracy was rubbish. I reset a few times, but it seemed to me that lvl 12 was the sweet spot, where my accuracy was about 85-90% for my sessions.

I am also revising Genki I. from the beginning (got to about halfway through the book before).

So my new goals are:

  • WK at a sustainable pace. Now that my Apprentice count is below 40, I am going with 10 lessons a day. A lot of it is very familiar since I already did these levels once. I think when I hit the new levels I might revise the no. of lessons a day to do less. I bought lifetime membership, so not in much of a hurry.

  • Genki I, Bunpro, Kitsun. I am going through Genki I. and practicing the corresponding grammar in Bunpro. I set Bunpro to follow Genki. Also revising Genki I vocab with the Kitsune Genki deck.


Glad you’re doing OK. Drop by the discord channel if you feel like it, we’re currently on Genki II already but I’m sure we could also help with Genki I questions as it hasn’t been that long for most of us.

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