I want to learn grammar ASAP. when should I start ideally?

I do. But I don’t judge if they like it better that way they should do it :woman_shrugging:t3:

I was advised to start learning grammar at WK level 10. I felt like I was able to get started at that time with some of the grammar resources (that was before my reset, so i was level 10 then). The other thing is to figure out a source for vocabulary that is not written with kanji, that was definitely the tough one for me to figure out.

Ohhhhh. I got the numbers mixed up!
So it was 1000 vocabulary words, not 1000 Kanji. XD

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Start learning grammar so you can start to read :slight_smile:

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I tried starting right away using apps like BunPro and got really frustrated, so I’m waiting a little longer. I have, however, googled tidbits about sentence structure here and there but don’t plan on diving head first just yet.

I spent two or three years learning the most common 2,000 or so words (as per iKnow’s core deck) via SRS before I started reading.

The first full manga volume I read had maybe about 1,800 or so unique words total (if I recall correctly; maybe fewer).

When reading that first manga volume, I had to look up something like 80% of the words, because they were completely new to me.

I really think if you dont know any grammar, starting with bunpro will only confuse you. After you learn some grammar, you can add it on Bunpro and let it do its magic.

And also, i tried starting grammar with almost no Vocab, and it was a real pain in the ass. I think that with some words in your vocab will be way easier to focus on grammar, can`t really put a number though(now that i really thought about that)

I recommend starting with Japanese From Zero (Book 1 + YT channel) or any of the above YT channel + some grammar book (Genki I / Minna no Nihongo…):

Misa Absolute Begginer: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd5-Wp_4tLqYZxS5j3g6kbeOfVXlTkr3N

Cure Dolly Japanese from scratch: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg9uYxuZf8x_A-vcqqyOFZu06WlhnypWj

There is also a lot of YT channels that follow the Genki Books (Yuki Sensei comes to mind) and some really cool tools for those books in particular. You can check it in other threads in this forum.

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I don’t know where these recommendations come from, but I just consider it typical internet noise. There is no reason to delay grammar study at all. There is no kanji or vocab prerequisite.


Another good option is an app called Human Japanese. I think it’s like $10 for the into and intermediate level. I’ve been using it about a year and it has been the easiest way to learn grammar. It starts at the absolute beginners level so it’s really easy to follow. I’d definitely say check it out!

By who?! As others have said, just go for it!

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Knowing kanji does make it easier to read actual sentences you might find in the wild, but I don’t think there’s any reason you need to wait to start studying grammar if you’re eager to learn. I started with grammar years before I ever got into kanji, so I was able to start reading right away once I got around to learning kanji and expanding my vocab. Of course once I did I found there was a lot more I had left to learn, but knowing grammar is never going to hurt! Especially verb conjugations, which Japanese thankfully has very few of compared to romance languages like Spanish or Italian.

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I highly recommend starting right away, studying grammar alongside kanji will help you understand the language in a natural and escalated way.

I use the MinaNoNihongo and it’s great for beginners like us.

god luck friend!


You definitely don’t need a thousand kanji to start learning grammar. In grades 1-6, Japanese schoolchildren learn just a little over a thousand kanji. At that point you should be using them and maybe trying to do some reading. I’d recommend Genki, I don’t know if I’m allowed to post about it on this forum but I have a PDF file of the Genki textbooks I’m willing to share with people (I did pay for an actual physical copy but this was before that). And you can start that anytime you want (I’d recommend now). And Tae Kim’s book is a free resource I’d recommend as well.

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That was a terrible advice.

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I see this over and over again where people see language learning on the internet like a videogame. Like a lot of people have said, there are no pre-requisites, no level you need to hit before moving on to the next step. Believe me, that will be determined automatically by yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

Start slow, start basic, if it gets to much you just go over those things again. If you wanna look at “N1 grammar” go for it you probably wont understand it but by all means have a look at least. The idea that you need to reach a level before you can even start with something else is so strange to me.

For instance, you don’t learn 100 chords before you even begin to play the guitar.

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