I just started WaniKani and I don(idn(on))'t get it (until (not) while writing this)

I’m about a week in and I think it’s exactly what I need.

Now when I see 出, I think about somebody trying to shoot me, and I remember “shoots you” and boom…しゅつ.


I see it as you have to leave your shoe-tsu’s at the exit (when you come in to the house)

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Street and rice paddy are not radicals invented by Wanikani. They’re literally kanjis on their own. If you say “wtf” as to why those two combined mean “town” then I’m afraid level 1 will indeed have to be your ceiling…

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The main problem the author has is that he thinks radicals are always actual kanjis (which can be the case of course) while they should only been considered as a help to build kanjis and their mnemonics.
Then, he thinks that kanjis have to represent exactly what they’re meaning. Like 町 just actually be written like this :cityscape: .
He then discovers that’s not the case and is upset by the mnemonics, having absolutely no knowledge about Kanjis.


the stories are super weird to help things stick in your mind. this does not work for everyone, esp people with difficulty picturing things.

WK did not invent any kanji. they are, however, free in how they use radicals. some are just the japanese radicals and some are used solely for the purpose of making building blocks for complex kanji.

this means some radicals don’t actually have a meaning that is obviously related to the kanji.

it’s just something to get used to. either learning kanji by breaking them down into components (radicals) helps you out or it doesn’t.

judging by WK’s popularity, i’d say it works for a huge number of people.


oh so its a way to remember kanji


okay i get it


(i just got a tip) the memory thingy for chikara (power) has the same meaning

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This is not far from truth, though, except maybe one needs to look several hundred years back and imagine a lot of rice paddies surrounded by roads and boom, you have a 町. :slight_smile:


You were thinking about the taste of Matt’s urine.

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Lol, I read this a few times before it clicked what the heck you were on about

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huhuhu i don’t really care if a random person doesn’t care abt me and i dont know why i replied in the first place just to say that

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