18 days per level is fine. if you maintain that accuracy, you’ll get to level 60 in a bit under 3 years.
66% accuracy is a problem!
with items which are guru or higher, because they drop two levels on wrong answers, 66% means zero progress. i’d very strongly recommend to work on your accuracy ^^
To level up, you need to guru kanji, and to guru kanji you must first guru radicals. Download a re-order script to prioritize radicals and kanji lessons rather than vocab. When attempting to guru, you may opt into prioritizing radicals and kanji once more in review. But probably don’t do that in review except when pressed on time and reviews
Radicals are easier than kanji, but putting 50 kanji into your head immediately just probably won’t work without additional self study. More mistakes, slower levels. I override a few radicals/kanji often early into SRS but that’s because I self study on material I am weak on. You can go at the pace you want but if you want to really drive in the kanji via levels, you need to focus on radical guru and kanji guru.
I’d also agree that accuracy is your issue. To fix that:
Spend more time learning each item. I like to learn the first item, then look away and try to recall it by memory. Read over the second once, then recall the first from memory (double check if needed) then recall the second again. Repeat for all 5 items in the batch, and spend a little extra time on the 5th one since it didn’t get as much attention.
I like to use the self-study quiz to review the items I just learned within 30 mins of finishing my batch of new items for the day.
Try and do reviews at least three times per day if possible. The SRS intervals attempt to align with when you’re getting likely to forget each item. If you’re on an 8 hr interval but then you actually do your reviews at 20 hrs, you’re much more likely to forget.
Any time you open the site, look at your critical condition items and try to recall them. I generally won’t actually look up the reading or meaning, but I do try to see my leeches and attempt to recall their reading/meaning often.
Increasing your accuracy will make everything better. Less time on the site, less frustration with leeches, smaller review batches (so it’s easier to do them more often), etc.
My protocol is to do reviews twice a day (always more that 100 and less than 200), and to take ten new lesson items whenever I score over 70% on a review.
Hello masterwe. I do WK morning and evening. I get about 84% correct on readings and meanings (based on wkstats). I often get all my reviews done, but not always. I almost always try to go through new items as soon as they become available. My average level up time is about 18 days.