How many hours/min before the next review can i study the stuff coming up?

But it works the opposite way. It matters little to do self-study closer in time to when you first do your lessons. But after that, you’ll wanna make use of the SRS and the fact that you don’t think about the items until the wait is up and it’s time for review. That’s the true benefit of the SRS. To have that 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month etc so that when you get a burn review, you know that you’ve fully internalize the reading and meaning long-term.

So, if you wanna add handwriting. It’s better to do so early on, right now. Not later.


SRS is a system set up to maximize the amount of time in between reviews, in order to minimize the amount of time spent on flashcards, and maximize the number of items learned in that time. There is no downside to studying more. You can review at any point, for any reason. But, that means time spent studying old flashcards that you could be doing something else…like learning new words, learning new grammar, or immersing yourself in the language where you may see these kanji and words in their native context.
You won’t hurt your SRS system or your ability to learn by reviewing the words more often, or learning to write them, but you may find that time to have more value if you instead use it to move forward. Or maybe you’re instead spending that time trawling the forums looking at cat pictures and optical illusions, in which case, now is likely a good time to do some extra review.

Good luck!

Ah, alright, thanks :slight_smile:

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Great! Misunderstanding cleared up. I would start right away if I were you! I’m sure you can do it! Good luck! ^^ :+1:

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i thought i started 30 days ago…when you start learning something new in a lesson what’s the fastest you can Burn it if you’re perfect?

The SRS stage timing can be found here: WaniKani’s SRS Stages | WaniKani Knowledge

The total time is just short of 6 months from Learned to Burned if you get it correct every time.

Well, how do you have radicals in all SRS stages, then? You must have done some reviews every once in a while…

not sure. using the durtle app: just checked it again it says burned 11 items in the colour block chart but under jojo progress & jlpt progress it shows none burned. so i presume when people say Burned they mean something different…

so you can see my progress? where do i click to see where others are at?

I think you need to type the address to access other people’s profiles but you can look at other people’s profiles. and then you plug in the username after that.
Radicals probably aren’t included in the Jōyō or JLPT items.

I reset my account at the end of October. My level 1 radicals were unlocked on October 31 and for the ones that I never got wrong during a review, the next review is in ~1 month. I guess that’s when my first burned items will be, assuming I answer correctly.

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what’s probably happened is that you’ve burned some of the radicals from level one, but not any kanji. the radicals on WK are tools to help you learn how the kanji are put together, not kanji in themselves. as such they don’t appear in the joyo or jlpt charts.

on WK to burn an item means to get it to the last SRS stage, and that takes just under 6 months minimum.

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