How many hours should i learn a day?

Honestly, consistency and the quality of your studying is more important than how much time you spend. Five minutes per day is better than studying for six hours twice per week. Learn actively instead of passively watching something or flipping though notecards. In my opinion, fifteen minutes of writing in Japanese by hand is a more effective method of learning than passively flipping through notecards for an hour.

As others said, that’s up to you and what you’re comfortable with. I try to study for at least an hour a day if I can help it, both with doing lessons here and other resources/games/apps I have on the side. However, sometimes I have days where I’m too zapped to do a whole lot besides go over some old kanji or radicals for 15 minutes before I call it quits. Every little bit helps - even if you’re just trying to learn through podcasts and movies.

I just recently quit my job to spend more time learning 日本語. I have some other things to do during the day, so I wanted to spend about 3-4+ hours learning Japanese, and I found that about 3 of those hours is spent doing WK.

The other time is spent reading NHK easy news, listing to 日本語の勉強 podcasts, and taking Japanese lessons.

Good luck to everyone on their 言語の習い journeys!

To be honest I think you will make more progress if you spend 1 hour a day on WaniKani and the rest of your time on other things (non-kanji vocab, grammar, listening, whatever). Going fast on WaniKani is great but at some point you get diminishing returns IMO

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