How important is it to understand on'yomi/kun'yomi differences?

Youre talking to the guy who is literally learning japanese to play porn and read light novels. Im practicing by playing porn right now in fact (Dont worry, I chose a sfw screenshot), so really エロノベルs are just textbooks for me. :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:

Question: How important is it to understand on’yomi/kun’yomo differences? I’m really curious how I should proceed.

Yes, I also play porn games on my free time. Would you like to see my collection!!!??


Ahhh, I love WaniKani forums


All I ever go near is places like 百舌鳥 and fuck knows how to read that thing.

Also is acm that guy who freaked out bout learning 乱交? I’m a bit more high class in that I only look at 春画 which is definitely a thing I shouldn’t Google at work.

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Thanks for the reply. To clarify re: your postscript, I do know how to use a search bar and I did I come across most of those threads in my search, but based on skimming I found they tended to answer different questions (When is one reading versus the other used, how to remember when one or the other is used, why learn both, et cetera).

I think my question is different: namely, whether it’s important to remember which reading is which by name, and to memorize the rules that others were asking about. It’s not “Help me understand the difference,” it’s, “Is it important that I be able to academically explain the difference, as opposed to just developing a sort of intuitive sense.” Part of the question that I unfortunately left implicit (though others helpfully spoke to) is, “Is it a reasonable goal for a new learner to want to develop that sort of intuitive sense, rather than a more precise academic one.”

To be fair, I did not read the entire threads you linked so it’s possible my question was answered within, but based on the OPs and a quick skim they were speaking to related but distinct questions.

I feel like all of your replies somehow relate back to something エロ.


I gotta make my life less boring somehow.

Thats why I pirate questionable ロリコン同人 and wait for the day the government takes me away. To each their own, I guess.

That SFW screenshot is only safe until you get to the word ランドセル, then your mind fills in the blanks. You’re gonna get me put me on a list for Thoughtcrime, that’s not cool!

Im at a loss here, whats so bad about ランドセル?

EDIT: Also im sorry for derailing this lol

There’s nothing inherently wrong with the word itself but when a ランドセル, the signature red backpack worn by 小学生, appears in an エロノベル, it is probably not going to end well for the 小学生。Unless that was a harmless flashback, in which case I am safe from Big Brother.

LOL, I figured it was something like that, but yeah it was a flashback. Don’t worry, nothing happens to any elementary schoolers.

Also lol at the fact that I basically got a notification telling me to shut up.

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