How do you know which verb is being used?

I remember learning that in grade school. We had an order in how you say it.

And btw this thread has exploded.

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Yeah, I only remember them in that exact order.

I’m sure there’s gotta be a badge for that. :wink:

English is a mish-mash of the conjugation systems of like 5 languages. lol

Ya but the range (state space?) of possible conjugations is still pretty small compared to many languages.

I dunno. It may seem bigger to me because I’m more familiar with it and, as you said, it doesn’t really conjugate. So the range of possible conjugations for a word may be smaller but the actual conjugations for the concept that the word represents is pretty big.

Non-past: to go
Past: went, have gone, have been
Potential: can go, could go, would go, would have gone, could have gone, could have been
Passive: were gone, did go
Causative: could have gone, could go, would have gone, would go
Imperative: go, get

w00t, now we’re into the world of when do words stop being words/does conjugating “have”, “can”, “do” and “will” count as conjugating “go” :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha, touché :relaxed:

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