How do you handle it when you get a bunch of new lessons?

I would like to add is that you should always aim to clear all lessons and reviews available BEFORE going into the final level-up session. Spreading out your lessons over a couple of days and doing your reviews every day usually suffices.

If you manged to level up while still having lessons/reviews open, you shouldn’t clear all your radicals right away, imho. Either you are going to fast or you abused lesson/review re-order scripts to get a faster level-up. In that case, take some time to clear out reviews and bring your lesson counter down, before taking on the new radicals.

That being said, 87 new lessons after a level-up is normal if you wanted to go as fast as possible, you would have to clear your radicals right away (Reorder Ultimate Userscript) and the spread the remaining lessons over the next three days, so that you clear all lessons before the radicals guru and the rest of the kanji unlock.

However, there is no prize for being the fastest. Don’t risk burning out, find a good pace for yourself and stick to it.

This is all just my opinion, obviously.