Houhou won't start for me after the latest Windows Creators update. Anyone having the same problem?

After doing the update last night i was delighted to see that houhou just wont start now after. Is anyone having the same issue?

When i click it it flashes briefly. In the tray the icon for houhou appears, but when i hover over it it also disappears

I don’t have the creators update, but I can confirm that it works on a fully updated windows 10 without the creators thing.

What version of windows does it say you have when you open up cmd?

It does say in the update options that it is fully up to date. Maybe it just hasn’t checked in a bit.

[edit: and after checking for updates just now, nothing changed]

I believe they’re rolling out the update over time instead of everyone at once, because their servers would be overloaded

Guess i’m gonna roll back to the last version, sucks

Good to know anyway so I won’t update in case that’s what’s braking it. Do post if it helps, when you roll back.

Rolled back, can confirm working again

Updated today to creators update (15063) and Houhou is working just fine for me … so the issue probably lies somewhere else than the update itself.

I think so too, I can still open houhou just after booting, when other things are still opening up, then it crashes. Gonna stick with this version for now

If it is me, then i don’t know what could be causing it. I dont run any sort of exotic software. I run dropbox to backup houhou data, but besides that i have no idea what could be messing with it.