Homophone explorer

If the script is not working with Api v2 would be nice to say in title that its outdated or something. It confused me until I came back here. Is there someone that took on this script somewhere else?

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sorry for bumping this, i thought i had it uninstalled but apparantly it was still installed and my lessons were freezing, just mentioning it in case someone else had lessons freezing/unresponsive page and did not know why.

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Oops – I had already discussed this problem in a different thread, but then I have forgotten to also report it in this thread. In the linked thread, I have also posted a (very bare-bones) replacement script for this one, in case anyone is interested in using or extending it.


Hey guys, sorry for leaving everyone hanging. Unfortunately, I’ve taken a long break from jap study and writing scripts (sorry!)

I really appreciate everyone using the script and getting something out of it. Unfortunately, I won’t have the time in the foreseeable future to update it.

Thanks @Sinyaven for taking it on!

Cheers all