Guys, I just.... I think I hate ANKI. Help me like it?

Because all this apps are suggesting that they make it easy. Which it is not.
Language learning is freaking hard and will be that way. There is no shortcut to acquiring a language, especially not one from west (English) to east (Japanese).

Anki, being “non-intuitive” for some, forces you to do the work, to think about your routine and
to customize the software till it fits it. Could the interface be better? Maybe. A little bit more fluff and puff and design? Why not. But I like how Anki is not bullshitting you, it is hard, the tool is complex too, because it is a hard task you signed up for, learning this new language.

At least that is what I believe: All this apps you mentioned are based on the slogan how much fun and joy learning with them will be and how easy it is. Which is setting the wrong expectations and causing users to quit, because, oh boy, it is actually work!

That is what I like about WK the most: Is is beautiful designed, customizable via Userscripts, while still being
nice and useful in the default settings (which one can argue Anki is not). On top of that, it never lies to you that it will take a lot of work and time to go through the content.
I fell that Koichi’s eMail about what one can do on every 10 levels and what level on a somewhat fast pace can be achieved after every three months sets the expectations pretty realistic.

I have no mac and no clues about the OS, but is mono not available for it/is Houhou not working with mono?