Hello, I’m creating this Thread to address some ideas the community has and bring it to a wider audience. Any ideas you have for WaniKani please do share. Small fixes can also be addressed.
I’ll get us started:
An “Unburn All” Option: Lets face it unburning one by one is a pain, having the option to unburn all at once would be helpful. Also the choice to unburn all the vocab while leaving the radicals and kanji burned. This would create serious havoc on your lessons box so maybe select all the burned vocab and check boxes for the ones you want to/ don’t want to redo.
I believe when you reset your level they actually delete your data. It’s as if you never got to that level, which is why all your synonyms and notes are gone too. I don’t believe that happens with unburning.
(I’ve never done either of these things, but that’s my understanding of how it works.)
Would like a way to show exactly what time the next review is available, instead of it saying 3 hours or 2 hours or ~1hour. It only shows exact minutes an hour before, would like to be able to plan ahead.