
I’ve made it to level 2 after 7 or 8 days (no idea how you all do the graph!).

I find it really frustrating that the lessons don’t show all the meanings or common theme between them.

For example there was barely any details show that numbers are counted in chinese one way and japanese another.

Another example is kanji only showing one meaning under ‘person’ when it can mean ひと OR にん OR じん (じんこう for population) OR おとな when it’s attached to ‘big’ for ‘adult’. How are you all learning these when it has multiple meanings with seemingly no common theme?

Really struggling with vocabulary (i.e. incorrect 10 times in a row for one word/phrase) but i’m nailing meaning and radicals.


What you’re supposed to do is associate one or two “main” readings with each kanji, and then learn the other readings from vocabulary. Don’t try to memorize every reading that every kanji can have; it’s just an exercise in futility. Also, this article may be helpful: Onyomi vs. Kunyomi: What's the Difference?

P.S. meanings and readings are different things




It is a slow process, to say the least.

The problem is these words and meanings and pronunciations don’t map very well to our brains as English speakers and so mass intake is not a very good idea. Given where it seems you are at level wise, I would simply say: trust the process, take the meaning and reading that WaniKani gives you and learn that, use whatever mnemonics you like (WaniKani gives you them, but you can and should come up with your own for words that aren’t sticking) and try spending extra time on the cards you get wrong. Read the example sentences, write them down, say them out loud, stare at them for a really long time, whatever you like, but force your brain to slow down and /consider/ the mistake.

As time goes on, you will find the patterns yourself. Additionally, you should (in my opinion) be doing some study outside of WaniKani and your exposure to the language outside of WK will also help develop that pattern recognition and bolster your memory.

(Also, I’m not entirely sure what graph you mean, but if you’re talking about the level up one, you can access it from Wkstats in one of the dropdown menus)


the link was helpful, thanks.

As a beginner, to see hiragana, katakana, kanji and now multiple sub versions of kanji, it definitely makes me reconsider whether it’s worth my time learning.

Well, the writing system is what it is :slight_smile: The good news is that there aren’t that many kanji with lots of readings; they just tend to be concentrated in the common kanji WK starts you off with. Most kanji have one on-reading and one kun-reading, so there’s less of the odd special cases.

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Depends on the goal? :slight_smile:
Are you learning just out of curiosity or do you have a specific goal in mind?

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No goal, simply because i enjoyed working in Japan. Choice was either Korean or Japanese. Korean is much easier to read/write…

Then learn Korean?


Gonna struggle in Japan if you only know Korean, though. :stuck_out_tongue:


Same way Japanese people struggle in Korea from what I heard from some vTubers :joy:

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Hah, i don’t work there now, only visits.

What? I don’t think that’s actually a thing.

I do think you should reconsider why you’re learning. The further you go the more you realise it’s even more difficult than you thought. Wanikani streamlines the process and makes it much easier but it still needs a level of motivation and dedication to it. You’ll need a lot of time until you start getting a grasp of the language, and you’ll need a lot of patience and trust in the process.


frustration is part of the process

to this day I have leeches for readings I still didnt memorize

One day I will tackle them for sure.


how do i these numbers on my dashboard, is this a extension or a existing option in the website?

The table above? It’s


How long are you spending on the lesson stage for each item? When you find you are consistently missing an item, are you going back to the lesson for that item and spending some time looking at and studying it?

Not long enough clearly. When there’s 10-15 vocab in a row that are wrong, you tend to forget by the time it comes back around.