Font Size in Manga


I hope that someone feels the same way as me with this. I find the font size in manga to be so small that I really struggle reading anything. If it is a simple kanji, then it’s fine but with some more complex kanji, it is very tricky. Also, this makes reading the furigana next to the kanji all but impossible to read.

When I have a look at Japanese novels, the font size is very nice but the level is a bit high at the moment. So hopefully, in the long run , I will be fine.

Can anybody therefore recommend some manga with larger fonts please. I have heard that Dragonball has a larger font, is this true? Any recommendations would be great.


Haven’t specifically heard of any manga that use larger fonts than others. I know some people have good experience using a reading magnifying glass.


I can’t tell you which manga are better, but you will eventually be able to read it just fine if you get enough exposure to kanji. You don’t need to be able to make out every stroke or even every radical to understand from the context what it could be.


This is true. I’ve definitely gotten better at recognizing high stroke count kanji in small print, or pixelated in a game. And as you said, when your general knowledge grows, context helps narrow down what it might be.


Yeah, I think this is just related to the fact that Japanese people do not need to scrutinize the furigana closely to be able to read it.


I’d recommend looking for Master’s Editions or Collector’s Editions of things. Those are often printed in a nice big format, which makes reading them much easier.

The collector’s edition of Aria is pretty nice to read. Somebody nominated the collector’s edition of Fruits Basket for the Beginners’ Club, but I haven’t looked at it in person myself.


Thanks for the information. Great to hear that after a lot of study and exposure, the kanji will become clear, even in smaller fonts.


Yes, but why torture yourself now? Get a magnifying glass. :mag:


I already wear reading glasses, so that might be a bit much.

I have a stronger set of glasses on the way, so maybe that will be the answer.


I swear I have a Shonen Jump magazine at home with some of the more complex kanji written so small they’re literally just blobs.


I had the same issue at the beginning. For my first manga I just scanned every pages and read on a computer, with maximum zoom :mag:


That sounds like a great idea.

On my last trip to Japan I bought the first part of Death Note and Black Jack. I may use the scanner to do the first few pages of Death Note and see how it goes.

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How can I find out if there are collectors editions of the manga of shows I enjoy? Is there a specific japanese way of typing it, because normally I type something like “show name collectors edition japanese manga” but nothing comes up…

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冗談 です??
is “上段” used for joke too? or was that also a joke :sweat_smile:

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It was also a joke. Classic Tama.


Well, their avatar is so cute that I will appreciate any jokes from them!