Fluid and WaniKani

Hey guys!

So I’ve been using Fluid App with WaniKani for a while to have a distraction-free environment while going through my reviews. I’ve found that studying in the browser lets me procrastinate way to fast.

Basically what Fluid does, is run a website as a single app. That’s it. 


Just type in the URL, click ‘Create’ and your’re ready to go. You can also choose your own icon for the app! 

You should check out David Lanham’s Studio Ghibli Icons! They’re beautiful!


And here’s what it looks like:


I know this might be useless to some of you, but for me it’s an easier way to access WaniKani and a constant reminder to use it, 'cuz it’s sitting in my dock.

That looks awesome! Can’t wait to try it!

Since Fluid is only for Macs windows users can replicate this with Chrome.
Click the menu button > tools > Create application shortcuts,
Just sharing in case anyone didn’t know :)

Didn’t know that! Thanks  :3

This is awesome!!


love the icons! ahah
and interesting app…

I’m forum-wandering from my new wanikani “app” right now :slight_smile:

I can’t wait to try this out on my home machine!

I love this idea!

Here’s one I made with a WK icon I whipped up.

Thank you for the tip roborob0!

^ Do you mind sharing that icon?


Your dock is so much cleaner than mine… I have 28 items in my dock >.<

paku said...^ Do you mind sharing that icon?



Here’s a link to the five I created. Enjoy!

I gotta say, those are some pretty sweet icons.

Thank you very much, they are awesome! You are awesome!

viet said... I gotta say, those are some pretty sweet icons.
paku said... Thank you very much, they are awesome! You are awesome!
 Thank you both! I enjoyed playing around with them.

Sounds good, I’ll try it out tonight. 

Just wanted to update and say that this works really well, and has a low footprint.
If only there was a Windows version. (Making an application with Chrome looks like the same thing, but is a memory hog)

I find myself getting distracted by the multiple tabs I have open in Chrome fairly often. This seems like a great way to stay focused on WK and not be tempted to procrastinate.  Thanks for the tip! Thanks for the custom WK icons as well!

DStevens said... (Making an application with Chrome looks like the same thing, but is a memory hog)
 I agree, it makes my laptop hang at times.