Does anyone else feel like they’re slower than the turtles we burn?

I’m 5 years in and only on Level 17…

It’s comforting to see I’m not the only one who is moving at such a sluggish pace. I thought I’d be done at this point 5 years down the line, but boy was I mistaken - my life has become so busy and preoccupied with other things, I simply can’t find enough time to make it through all the daily reviews I accumulate, and that’s with using Juken to fly through them as flashcards! Let alone start my new lessons without first clearing out all that’s accumulated on my daily review. I honestly don’t see how others feasibly move as fast as they do, as if it was their full-time job and they had all the time in the world.

Alas, it appears some of us were never meant to do this so rapidly. It’s a really deep slow-burn process for us. I’m just glad I took advantage of the WaniKani lifetime deal all those years ago. I’m making the most out of that purchase at least, money well spent :sweat_smile: