Crabsmas riddle? Durtle Heaven finally near?

I think they felt them as they picked them up from the scale, since (at least international) mail is charged based on weight. They might have heard them, but there were only 2 coins and I was trying to check out, so idk about that.

Making your own currency seems fine - it seems like it’s less about the monetary value and more about playing the game (plus, if you make your own funny currency, that itself might be worth $1 USD to them :smile: I really want 5 dollarydoos)


From what little I know of the postal service, there are lots of specialized devices they use to move and route mail… And if it’s something like an envelope, it has to be both flexible and below a certain thickness to make it through the machines. I assume that’s where/how they caught it.


If that’s the reason, then that makes more sense to me, although I’m not sure how much adding 2 small coins would affect the thickness/flexibility. I could see it, though. Thanks for making something make more sense for once!


The postal service is one of those scary-efficient inventions of the modern age. When you’ve got to push thousands of envelopes/packages through a single building per day (maybe tens of thousands at major hubs), every little variable counts. :smile:


To be very honest my girlfriend got home early yesterday and I didn’t want to explain why I was going out to post a letter with money in it to America. :joy: So I’ll post it today :man_shrugging:


I feel you. I’m visiting relatives abroad right now so I don’t have access to a printer or post office and there’s no way I’m going to try to explain this to them :sweat_smile:


Oh no big deal, just filling this application for a cult, they asked me to draw an alligator and if I consent to give them all my time and belongings, the usual stuff.


Did you added someone in the “Referred by” box? :thinking:


Given the nearest church was inside me all along, I decided that I could “self” refer myself to join…



I was potentially gonna send some form of denomination of 42, but maybe I’ll just stick to the requirements. I need to brush up on my drawing skills though >.>

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That sounds like something a cop would say.


I said koichi because they gave us the secret message to the website :man_shrugging:

Also just put it in the mailbox yay!


I’m going to say @Brieftaube, since they were the one who first mentioned the . com on the forum.

Printed out the application at the library yesterday! But been too busy to finish the test yet…


I put “The .com of” as the referral.

Mailed my membership packet yesterday! I’m unreasonably excited for what’s to come. :smile:


I spent 30 min drawing and colouring my alli-crab loving couple and now I want to hang it in the wall instead of sending it :broken_heart:

Anyway, I’ll post it this afternoon.


For spelling errors, are we only looking at typos? Or also grammar, regional differentiations in spelling, things like that? I just noticed the membership letter has “worried concerned” in it after the advertising thing, but I can see that being a genuine mistake.image
Also, whats with the box given for that answer? Only other two places they give boxes like that are for the drawings.


I guess we were supposed to draw a picture of our house the whole time


Can anyone please explain what’s this all about? I’m pretty new to WaniKani. Is this some sort of an easter egg or a challenge (like Cicada 3301 or something?)

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If only I knew


Have you heard about our lord and savior the mighty Crabigator? :crabigator:

Crabigatorism is a joke totally real sect where we whorship the Crabigator and burn durtles.

What are durtles you may ask? What, you’re not asking? Oh.

These pesky creatures look like this: :durtle:
Many badges and titles on this forum are based on them.

Where do they come from? Huuuuuuuh
I might have skipped this durtology class…
But many answers to these questions can be found in Durtle Heaven.

So yes, this is an ARG, like Cicada 3301.
We’ve been cursed blessed last year with another ARG, the Descent into Durtle Heaven.

Even though it’s not complete, you can check this recap of what happened last year:

Our Journey of Going Mad in 54 Days (+ The Ultimate Guide for Durtle Heaven)

Even if you don’t want to catch up what’s happened last year (it’s not a short read), feel free to join the fun! This is the right thread to do so, and we have a wiki at the end of the first post.