Common Word Combinations for Level 16

Hi everyone :wave:

We’ve been slowly working our way up through the levels and adding Common Word Combinations to the Context section of vocabulary items. Yesterday, we finally published the next installment. It ended up coming to close to 1000 new Common Word Combinations across all Level 16 items.

Common Word Combinations (aka collocations) are based on corpus data on how vocabulary is used in real life, and sorted by Patterns of Use to give you an idea of common ways the words fit into a phrase. We hope they’ll help you to get a handle on the nuance and use of vocabulary more quickly, as well as making recall easier and more flexible, because you can see the words in different contexts.

Here’s an example of the Common Word Combinations for 注意:

Happy studying! :crab::crocodile:


How about 熊出没注意? :slightly_smiling_face:



Sadly it’s not a top collocation, though it is listed:

I’m adding a “Road signs of rural Japan” vocab pack to our list of future to-dos though! :bear:



Seems like a useful thing to know.


Of course, imagine missing the chance of hugging a bear!

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That makes sense, but it really makes it clear how much work it is to add these and why it takes so long :slight_smile:
Thanks for all your hard work! Also I appreciate the added kanji and vocabulary for some of the later levels over the last couple of months :slight_smile:

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We usually keep kanji use in collocations to the the subject level or lower, and 没 is level 52. We can use this collocation with 出没 instead. :blush:

Maybe you should move 没 down, or everyone’s gonna get eaten by bears before they can reach level 52. :stuck_out_tongue: