Amane lives alone in an apartment, and the most beautiful girl in school, Mahiru, lives just next door. They’ve almost never spoken—until the day he sees her in distress on a rainy day and lends her his umbrella. To return the favour, she offers him help around the house, and a relationship slowly begins to blossom as the distance between them closes…
It’s one of my all-time favorites - and I would definitely rewatch it if it were chosen… if licensing issues don’t get in the way.
(Actually, when I first attempted watching it, it didn’t make an impression on me and I dropped it after 2 episodes - but something made me take a second look, and suddenly it clicked and all made sense to me as I recognized it for the masterpiece that it is.)
I’m not opposed to the idea, but I’m not sure how the scheduling would work. Like watching it in one is going to be a lot for new watchers. We could break it into episode sized chunks of like 25 minutes? Would make them all short nominations by the standard though.
I was thinking of maybe 20-30 minutes of a movie.
Depending upon the movie it could be 6 sessions of 20-30 mins.
Many watcher’s may feel it easy to finish a movie than an anime season.
Of course the main reason is to be able to get more catalog(ghibli and makoto shinkai’s).
We could alternate between movies and anime.
A 1 season anime of 12 episodes will take 3-4 weeks.
while a movie may take 2 weeks at most.
But if the movie route is harder or not viable we can stick to anime.
It’s time to vote! Basically everything except ハイキュー!! on this list counts as a short anime, so if any of the short anime win, we will watch the top two in succession.
Romantic Killer wins the poll and will be our first anime. Second place is tied, so I’ll start a runoff poll for the second anime when I’m at my PC tomorrow.
@macalys As the nominator for Romantic Killer, are you ok to manage the home thread and weekly threads?
Also since our second place has tied and the most likely schedule will see romantic killer take 4-5 weeks, we’ll need a runoff poll to pick our second anime, so this is the poll for the second anime.
お隣の天使様にいつの間にか駄目人間にされていた件 — The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten — Nom — L25
とんでもスキルで異世界放浪メシ — Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill — Nom — L21
To prevent the runoff also tieing, I’ll withhold my vote and only use it if there’s a need for a tiebreaker after the poll closes.
I never participated in a book club but one thing I use from them is the vocabulary sheets, so maybe first thing we should make one and think of some rules for adding words, etc. The chrome extension that I mentioned on the post above should help as it shows the time stamps when each dialogue happen (so we can use it as a reference like the pages on the book clubs)
Get a schedule agreed (based on the polls at the start of this club, it’s probably a matter of two episodes a week Vs three episodes a week)
Post the weekly thread
There are book club templates in the sticky thread in the book club post, but they need some adapting for it being an anime not a book I’ll try sort that out this weekend.
Also in terms of vocab sheets, they’re nice but don’t feel pressured since the process is kind of technically awkward.
For the worksheet, I have basically no idea of how to do it, so @milila if you feel like doing it, I’ll post the link you’ll give me. Thank you for the jpdb deck, by the way
A final question : I suppose I don’t post a link to the japanese subtitles or do I ? I know how to find them but I’m not sure about the legality of the site
Hey guys! I started a vocabulary sheet and here is the file (anyone can edit):
This file was copied from @anon99047008 and @ChristopherFritz’s model, which highlights words without definition! That way we can add words we are unsure about and leave to other user to fill in the meaning.
Here are the exported subtitles:
But I’m thinking if the vocabulary sheet makes sense for the anime format. Because with reading we can take the time to check the vocab etc, it’s a different dynamics. What do you think?
Edit: Now that I’m watching the show with the Language Reactor Extension, I think it might make sense because some of the definitions on their bult-in dictionary have nothing to do with the context ^^"
Another thing: if we are going to go at 2 episodes per week, wouldn’t it have to be automated? Because I can see these easily taking a loooot of time.
For the automation, what I can do with the Language Reactor extension is mark words as “to learn” and then export them to a spreadsheet. However, the transliteration is in romaji I wasn’t able to change it to hiragana (it appears as hiragana on the app interface but not on the export). Also, since it’s exporting from my list of saved words, it will not have the anime time stamps. But the words will be in the order I saved them at least.