Back to the drawing board

Another week, another update (for anyone interested!)

Thank you to everyone who suggested I hold back on completing lessons. I think that has helped the reviews steady out. I have been doing what you said and trying not to do more than 15 or so lessons a day if they’re available (although tonight I just did 35ish, but they were all words that were very easy and came to me before I even read the translations, so I think I’m okay!).

Level 5 is almost completed but a few careless mistakes has meant I’ve got a day or two before I can try certain kanji again. But it’s okay. I am encouraged at what I am remembering… and guess what? Those damn mnemonics have actually helped me a little with certain words I didn’t remember from before. So thank you again to everyone who came to the mnemonics’ defence when I called them dumb. XD

I also checked out the WK guide (well, parts of it!) and found where it suggested using something like KaniWani (where the definition is given and you actually have to remember the Japanese word!). That has been a game changer. Being forced to recall words feels much more practical and real-life. I have been challenged, and it’s been really good, because I can tell I’ve gotten better in the short time I’ve been using it. Now, whether I’m able to recall words away from the app, I don’t know yet. ^^; But it’s a start!

Anyway, thanks to anyone who actually reads my updates. You don’t have to; I guess it’s just a way of keeping me in the game, writing my progress. :slight_smile:


I don’t think you’re expected to recall words that aren’t at minimum guru, they’re called apprentice for a reason. Practice in sentences and writing down may also help out with retention and making the word stick in your brain

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Good point.
Haha I am so out of practice for studying…

Weekly check in for anyone interested (again, this is more to keep me accountable, so don’t feel like you have to say anything if you don’t want to!).
Short today because it’s been a pretty difficult week with family things happening; however I have still managed to keep up my reviews each day, so no pile-ups yet.
Still chipping away at level 6, although it looks like I could pass it in the next couple of days if I stay on task. I’ve kept following your advice with the lessons and things remain steady. :slight_smile:

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Bonus update:

Interestingly, today I had this radical as a review and without thinking I answered it as PELICAN

and they still let me have it!
I mean, I learnt it this time round as SPIRIT but I guess I originally learnt it as PELICAN the first time around. When did they change it? I guess none of the stories to go with the radical will have anything to do with pelicans anymore, right?

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Pelican might be an old mnemonic that was kept for older people, but I remember studying this guy earlier the year and it was already spirit.

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haha… ‘older’ people… :sweat_smile:

I know what you mean, don’t worry! I first started WK in like 2013 or something so I guess that was quite a while ago now. XD

You’re right! I started just about 10 years ago and also instantly recognized that as pelican just now after seeing your screenshot. I didn’t reset when I started back up a little while ago so that radical is long since burned, and honestly spirit is a much better word for that radical so I didn’t even question it when I’ve been getting kanji like 禅 or 祈 recently.

Neat, I wonder what other adjustments they’ve done.

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My weekly check in for anyone interested. Not much to report this time but I’m doing it anyway for my own accountability.
My Nanna’s health deteriotated at the end of last week, and this Wednesday just gone she passed away. She was 96 and had struggled with old age dementia for the last handful of years. She had long since forgotten who I was, but she was beautiful and loved anyone who showed her kindness, so we would always get a flurry of kisses and a cuddle. I am so happy she’s no longer trapped by that failing mind and she is completely restored in Heaven. But it is so strange to not have her here.
I somehow still managed to keep up reviews and lessons. I think spacing out lessons has definitely helped with curbing the ferocity that the reviews come at you with. (trying to see positives!)

Ironically, the night before Nanna died I was given 死 and all the vocab level 7 has to offer to do with death, like 死亡、亡くなる、死体… thanks a lot, level 7. -_-
But it did mean that this morning I was able to tell my Japanese friend at church that my Nanna had passed away without just reverting to something basic like 死んだ. So that’s something at least.
(Sure, I figured out that my speaking ability is a mere whisper of its former self (which itself wasn’t that great!) but anyway)
So yeah; on Level 7 and doing okay. It’s gone quicker than I thought; I’m half-way to where I used to be up to! I guess that’s to be expected seeing as I already know the kanji and vocab; it’s in my brain somewhere. I know things will slow down once I start learning completely new stuff. But I’m glad I haven’t taken years to get back to my pre-hiatus level. :slight_smile:


Back again… two weeks since my last update, but nothing much to report.
I somehow kept up my reviews during the time I was preparing various things towards the funeral and working during the day, but lessons suffered. I am now on Level 8 but still trying to not get overwhelmed with the lessons and am being disciplined and only tackling 10-15 a day if that.


I am really sorry to hear about your Nanna. :purple_heart:
10-15 new lessons a day is the way to go. I used to rush the lessons and do as many as I could each day. I had to scale it back rather quickly.


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Thanks heaps :slight_smile:

I’m glad that people suggested this advice to me because I’m yet to be overwhelmed with a backlog of reviews, which is what occurred last time!

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It’s me again.
Not much to report progress-wise. I am just taking things slow, but still regular and keeping up with reviews and lessons. Just aware that I’m likely past the level-a-week phase and progress is slowing down.
I’m still on Level 8 but I think I’ve got about 14 kanji left to pass properly before I can move on. I think I’ve completed all the lessons.
One thing about level 8 is the number of words for ‘body’. When the heck do you know which one to use? I know they’re all slightly different in meaning, but it’s just made me aware of how much I don’t know. In English, the one word ‘body’ can be used for all different situations but it depends on the context to know what it means.
I’ve become aware of the fact that I really should start practicing sentence structure again so that I can actually use the vocab and kanji that I’m relearning.
Anyway that’s all… again, no pressure to ever reply. It’s more an online progress diary for me than anything. Although you’re welcome to chime in whenever! :smiley:


just read through the whole thread, i’m sorry to hear about your Nanna.

for learning the subtle differences between very similar words, i really recommend reading. though it’s hard work (and probably too early at level 8) reading has really shown me how words are actually used, in context.

limiting the number of lessons you do is indeed super important. if WK were a car, lessons would be your accelerator. but WK doesn’t have a brake, once you’ve done a lesson, you have to ride out the momentum of the reviews coming at you.


Hello and thank you for your message (including your condolences). :slight_smile:

Oh I like that car analogy; very nice!

Re: reading, that’s a good idea. The only real reading I’ve practiced with is with my volumes of One Piece manga(!)… I know the story well enough in English so even if I don’t understand everything I can still figure out what parts mean what based on what I remember… also it very kindly has furigana. XD But manga is hard, especially one like OP, because of the amount of slack language and slang and different speaking styles… so yeah, not the best for proper reading practice I guess!


oh, i’ve done almost all my reading so far in manga :smiley:

…i’m not saying that it’s good though :wink:

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Just a quick one to say that I’m on level 9 and still going strong. :slight_smile:
I have 30 lessons sitting there, slowly tackling them one day at a time.

Here’s a random question: anyone got a favourite level? Like, is there a certain set of kanji/vocab you liked learning at one time, or are there particular radicals you’re fond of that came in a certain level?
No reason, just wondering!


You may be interested in the :durtle_hello: Let’s Durtle the Scenic Route :turtle: thread, where we embrace ‘going at our own pace’ so that we can maintain a sustainable (and enjoyable!) WaniKani experience even when life stuffs comes at us. Just an idea! Congrats on getting back to level 9! (A little while back I reset to level 7 from 28, myself! Now I’m back to 14 and feeling way less stressed about it. :sweat_smile:) Cheers!

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Ohhh thanks for that! That sounds like a lovely group :smiley:
How do you join a group?
Oh wait… is it just a thread to bookmark?

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Yeah, basically. You can actually edit I think the first comment (?) and add your name to the list of people, if you want, but that’s totally optional. It’s really mainly a thread for like-minded folks to share their experiences. :blush:

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