Guess I’ll chime in on that, because if you swapped ‘Anki’ with ‘Kitsun’ you’d have my exact experience.
I don’t know if it’s because I’d have to get used to a new system, but since I’ve been using Anki for years, Kitsun feels really restricting.
Even just simple things like the setting “Study 2 hours in advance” and then setting 30 min, 60 min, 90 min intervalls so you’re quizzed more than once during new lessons is a feature I find it hard to do without.
Not having an export setting for community decks so you can get out of Kitsun when it changes to paid and you find yourself with too little money to afford it (I don’t think pricings for new sign-ups are available yet?) is kind of another dealbreaker for me.
I don’t think other than the feedback on community decks there are any functionalities (including a good design!) that you couldn’t make work in Anki?
In the end I’d say it really depends on you. Especially if you’d like to use SRS for other things than language study you’ll have to get used to Anki eventually. (I used it for my engineering studies before I did for Japanese)
Anki grows on you over time and hopefully it’ll get even better with the new version.
(p.s: don’t forget about FloFlo - it’s great alone or alternatively works well with Anki [and probably Kitsun?])