I just got some vocabulary with the 合 (suit) Kanji in it, but for whatever reason, several of the mnemonics use “meet” instead of “suit” in the stories. The meanings of the two Kanji are pretty similar, so it still kinda works, but I’d like to confirm if I’m somehow misunderstanding something here or if this is actually an error that someone from the WaniKani staff should fix.
A couple of examples of vocabulary where “meet” is used:
This is my understanding, but I’m not an expert so others feel free to correct.
会う is meeting a person. Like “I will meet Julie for Lunch.”
合う is a more general meeting of things, rather than specifically meeting a person. The example from Jisho translated as “This waistcoat won’t meet at the front.” So it is more the idea of bringing things together, if I interpret correctly.
Hopefully that helps a little and someone a bit more knowledgeable can add.
I just noticed that they actually list “to meet” as a secondary meaning for “to suit”, but it isn’t mentioned in the mnemonic for that or the 合 Kanji, so I guess I must have missed it. The mnemonics for the new vocabulary makes sense even with the other meanings, since they’re so similar, but it’s nice to have it cleared up a bit.
To supplement, when there is a case of a mutual action, as in, something done by two parties together, you’ll see that idea expressed with 合う following the verb stem, like in the case of 知り合う. You also have 話し合う, 付き合う, 触れ合う, 助け合う, 分かり合う, and a whole host of such compounds.