Absolute Beginners Book Club // Reading Next: Card captor Sakura

I just want to say I am so happy about this pick, I searched for a sakura’s book club before and for my surprise there was nothing, having in mind it is a very popular series. Actually i thought it was probably difficult to read so I am surprised it’s part of ABBC. I’ve been off for a while because of travelling but I’ll be definitely joining for this one.


Rule proposal: nominations under 10% for 3 consecutive polls are removed

Goals: to keep the nomination list fresh, with titles that are of interest to club readers. All the other book clubs have a written rule about nomination removal, except this one.

With this rule implemented, the current nomination Girls und Panzer: Little Army would be removed.

Are you in favor of this rule?
  • Yes
  • No, and I’ll tell you why:
0 voters

Other possible rule variations could be a time limit on nominations- we have some nominations that have been in the pool for 2-3+ years, so it may be good to remove those in the future.


For context, the thresholds for other clubs:

  • BBC: 15% for 3 polls
  • IMC: 15% for 3 polls
  • IBC: 20% for 3 polls
  • ABC: 10% for 3 polls

Previously 15% was applied as an adhoc threshold as this club became full:


When is Card Captor Sakura expected to start?

If we did 15%, it would remove quite a few more books. Depends on if people feel the nomination list is too full.

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Some of it might be there aren’t as many nominations left for the level or just an interest thing. Not sure :). I’m not good enough to even offer a nomination but maybe one day.

September 7th by the usual timeline, since it’s 6 weeks after the poll ended and has a 1 week gap after Tamamo no Koi.


Time to remember to join in!

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On one hand I’d say that continuing to use 15% just like most other clubs is a good idea and that the books removed by that rule have little chance of winning anyway, but on the other hand… we were at 17 nominations before the poll, are now at 16, and applying 10% will get it down to 15 nominations.

So going with 10% for now seems fine to me, and we can reevaluate that if we regularly reach 19+ nominations before polls. (19 to prevent “I don’t want to take last spot” syndrome.)


CCS home thread posted with a suggested schedule. If there’s alternatives suggested, I’ll put up a poll.


Hi! If anyone is interested in reading some of the ABBC list, I just found 結婚しても愛してる / I’m in love with you forever for only 99Y (the 3 volumes) on amazon :partying_face: Amazon.co.jp: 結婚しても恋してる (1) (ジーンピクシブシリーズ) : 白虎, shin5: 本


I read this as “I’m in love with you forever for only 99 years” and I was really confused for a second by this weird title :laughing:


I can’t stop laughing :laughing:


And “I’m in love with you forever for only 99 yen” is a better title? :stuck_out_tongue:


Ah yes, the cheaper long-lasting version of 彼女、お借りします.


At least it can’t be worse than KanoKari

It was a dumpster fire when I was still reading it, and from what I gather online it’s an even bigger dumpster fire now, somehow :rofl:


wow new manga to read

This is my first time joining a book club even though I’ve been studying on my own for about two years. Surprisingly, I havent read a single book on my own (always watched videos/anime instead) so I thought what better time than the present! Wish me luck =D. Luckily I still have two weeks to get the book. Since its my first time, is it better to get a physical or digital copy???


Welcome!! You can take a look at the Bookwalker free trial if you want to test out reading digitally. I usually go with digital and only buy books that I really want to keep, but if you’re a fan of paperbacks and like the feeling of reading, go with that!


I was just reading the section on where to buy your book and it seems like there are options. Is Bookwalker easy to use? an does it have an iOS app?