Absolute Beginners Book Club // Reading Next: Card captor Sakura

Man, this Osaka Ben sure is part of a lot of mangas.

Just to be clear, are you saying there is a little dialect in the manga? Some? A lot?


I re-watched the anime recently and I think that character always speaks with the Osaka-ben… and he is one of the main characters. And he talks a lot lol.




There’s still time to get nominations in!

As Subikun mentioned, there’ll be quite a bit.

I don’t think it’s insurmountable, but it does add an extra layer for first-time readers.

Dialect aside, I wouldn’t expect the volume to be much more difficult than Horimiya or Hinata.

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Wasn’t horimiya the most difficult manga in the ABBC though? (Well, ofc besided hunter x hunter and cells at work, but I’m not counting those ever)

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Eventually we’re going to run out of all the easy manga and will have no other choice :wink:

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Certainly another form of inflation.

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That’s how I felt exactly when reading Kiyo in Kyoto (which has a lot of Kansai dialect), I had to translate TO Japanese before being able to even translate FROM Japanese.


The good news, from what I can tell in my limited experience with dialect in manga, is that Kero Osaka’s dialect is more like “substitute these bits for those bits” to give it an Osaka flavor rather than a full-on dialect, as seen in Kiyo in Kyoto.

(But even minimal regional dialect may be more of a “not too bad for BBC” versus ABBC.)


If there’s one thing I can say from my experience with media (and trying to catch up with an ever increasing to-read/watch/play list) is that we are unlikely to ever run out of anything, for better or worse.


Voting open!

It’s that special season again… That’s right, voting is open for the Absolute Beginner’s Book Club! If you would like to read along with us on the next pick, vote below! You will have 5 votes which you can change until the voting period ends on 2024-08-04T23:00:00Z

The start time for the next pick is tentatively August 31 but if people need more time to order books it could be pushed back. September 7th would be a one week break from the end of the current book.

The list of nominations is below, and each link goes back to the nomination post where you can read more about the proposed choice.

List of Proposed Books

Browse the list on Natively


Book Title Description Natively
日本の昔ばなし Japanese Folk Tales Collection Vol 1 (Issun-boshi and other stories) L??
もしかしたら名探偵 Detective Milky Sugiyama L16
10分で読めるこわい話1年生 10 minute reader - Scary stories (1st grade reader) L16?


Manga Title Description Natively
こばと Kobato L20?
あしょんでよッ ~うちの犬ログ Let’s Plaaay - Our Dog, Log L13
藤本タツキ短編集 17-21 Fujimoto Tatsuki Short Story Collection 17-21 L23
ふだつきのキョーコちゃん Fudatsuki no Kyoko-chan L18
ギャルと恐竜 Gal & Dino L18
今日から始める幼なじみ Will you be my childhood friend? L17
ガールズ&パンツァー リトルアーミー Girls und Panzer: Little Army L21
ネトゲの嫁が人気アイドルだった My wife in an online game is a popular idol L19?
花野井くんと恋の病 A Condition Called Love L20
桜井さんは気づいてほしい Sakurai-san wants to be noticed! L15
ドラえもん Doraemon L22
絶対に風呂に入りたくない彼女VS絶対に風呂に入れたい彼氏 Girlfriend who never wants to take a bath vs. boyfriend who definitely wants to put her into the bath L17
あしたは土曜日 春・夏 Tomorrow is Saturday L19
カードキャプターさくら Cardcaptor Sakura L20
  • Japanese Folk Tales Collection Vol 1
  • Detective Milky Sugiyama
  • 10 minute reader - Scary stories (1st grade reader)
  • Kobato
  • Let’s Plaaay - Our Dog, Log
  • Fujimoto Tatsuki Short Story Collection 17-21
  • Fudatsuki no Kyoko-chan
  • Gal & Dino
  • Will you be my childhood friend?
  • Girls und Panzer: Little Army
  • My wife in an online game is a popular idol
  • A Condition Called Love
  • Sakurai-san wants to be noticed!
  • Doraemon
  • Girlfriend who never wants to take a bath vs. boyfriend who definitely wants to put her into the bath
  • Tomorrow is Saturday
  • Cardcaptor Sakura
0 voters

i mean i would say then we just start with older enteries in the book club, after all you’ll have new members like me that haven’t read them and many members that have have likely moved on to the more advanced book club options

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Cardcaptor Sakura is pulling ahead of the competition! :racing_car:


I relate too much to the characters in “Girlfriend who never wants to take a bath vs. boyfriend who definitely wants to put her into the bath” to not vote for it… :laughing:


I’ll definitely try to reach the “required” language level to join the next round.
The votes look promising so far and even if it’ll be a challenge, I’m eager to dive deeper into native material.


We’ll be happy to have you!


I already have Cardcaptor Sakura so I hope we do that one! XD The others sound so cool, I can’t wait!


Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy the book club :grinning:


Get your votes in before the poll closes! Can any other pick beat Cardcaptor Sakura??? (probably not)