A (snail's) journey of 1621 days (or even 30 years) to Level 60

Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your story. I am also going at a slow pace, and have been plugging along at Japanese learning for many years. Being in the over 50 demographic, it is encouraging to me to hear your success. Although I firmly believe we are never too old to learn- that’s what makes it worth while to get up in the morning!


This anecdote is the coolest thing I’ve read on here; thanks for posting. I’m at 2486 days so far! I need to remember that it’s not a race – it’s all for the love of Kanji!


congrats man!

Wow @ulioji well done out there.

Our stories are almost identical in every respect. I also started 30 years ago in Japan in the early 90’s, married to a Japanese lady, etc only I’m only a wee toddler at 50 years old.

Thank you for the encouragement, I’m only at level 20 right now working through one level per week to finally finish this 30 year project.

I bet it feels good after all this time. :clap:


Thank you for sharing us your story. It’s truly inspiring!

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I feel your pain lol

Congratulation and thank you! Your sharing is so calming since I got so stressed after a lot of relapse and leeches in my Guru and Master level.

You are living proof of determination and resilience and motivate me more to keep proceeding.

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I want to see your story in a “message from a level 60 user” email :clap:t2:
Very encouraging, personal and… cute :slight_smile:

Congratulations, and well done! As a fellow older person (mid 50s) who started his Japanese language journey a long time ago, also married to a Japanese woman, and then upon discovering WaniKani, decided to learn the Kanji once and for all, I can relate to your experience. You have an inspiring story. Thanks for sharing it!


Congratulations :confetti_ball: Snails unite :snail:


Very inspiring story, thank you for sharing!

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