[2024] 多読/extensive reading challenge

週刊プロレス No.2127

There’s a big interview with Takagi fresh off of his big championship win. Nothing earth-shattering but it’s interesting to read and he comes across as thoughtful. He posted on instagram he slept with the belt the first night but made sure to wash it after Ospreay had it. He was surprised that they let him take it home and was also surprised at the outpouring of support from Dragon Gate people.
He sees himself accomplishments-wise a step down from the likes of Okada and Naito etc. and saw this as potentially his last chance to have a shot at reaching that level so he needed to win it and instead of discouraging him seeing that difference between him and Okada lit a fire under him for that reason.
A turn of phrase or two I liked - he references 勝って兜の緒を締める, an expression meaning to tighten your helmet after a victory instead of letting your guard down, to talk about the real work begins now that he has the belt. And he says “まえは記録よりも記憶に残る試合をしたいなと思っていたけど、本当に大事なのは両方なんだなって思ってきた(笑う)。” saying that while previously he wanted to leave behind memories, not records, now he’s realized the truly iconic wrestlers leave behind both and he wants to aim for that.
He also says that while it might be old-fashioned (I’m not sure if he means the expression?) “らしさ” as in 自分らしく、プロレスらしく、男らしく, that kind of らしさ is important to him, so he wants to hold the belt in a 鷹木慎悟らしく way.

Naito talks about Takagi’s win - apparently while he left before the Ospreay match, he watched this one from the back, and relates a strange anecdote about what he said to Takagi as he was preparing to make his entrance:

パレハ (interviewer):今回はどんな声をかけたんですか?

He also mentions some context I didn’t know - He, Takagi, and Ibushi are all members of a group called the 57年会 because they were all born in 昭和57. He says for a while he thought to himself that he was a real frontrunner of the group, but now that Takagi has the championship and the next challenger is Ibushi, he’s wondering if now he’s bringing up the rear.

拳王 apparently angered some people when he complained about wrestlers with side-jobs. He says what he meant is that while yes, economically wrestlers often need to have a day job starting out, you should only work ones that help with wrestling in some way. To him taking a side job that has nothing to do with wrestling will just wear you out and distract you and if it’s really your dream to make it in wrestling you need to be fully commit to it.
One wonders what he would think about Dr. Britt Baker, DMD.

Here’s a great 毒霧 photo

I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen a Mutoh match as The Great Muta outside of like, 80s WCW. I should probably fix that sometime!

Giulia’s column is about マイクアピール. It sounds like she struggled to be confident and connect with crowds on the mike but having Maika and Shuri around helped, and after the coronavirus shut down stardom and “その中で信じられないくらい悲しい出来事も起きた” she was the one to have post-match microphone duty after their first show back, and she describes looking out at the audience in such an emotionally fraught moment and something clicking - and she did well enough and its a famous enough scene that the magazine reporter providing themes for the column had that specific moment in mind when it in saying 「ジュリアさんはマイク上手。ある時突然変わった瞬間があって、お客さんのハートをガッチリつかんだ気がした。」(I’d be tempted to go watch the vod since I only started watching regularly after that point but I dunno if I’m ready to relive the emotions surrounding that particular time…) . Giulia says she learned from that that the audience is half the equation when it comes to promos. You need to feed off of their energy - they want and are expecting something stirring and unforgettable and you just need to channel that into the confidence to give them that.
Earlier she also mentions her ジュリアの事が好きで好きでたまらない諸君! catchphrase started as a frustrated ジュリアの事が嫌きで嫌きでたまらない諸君! that got a reaction when most crowds were still just giving her silence.
Incidentally - it’s silly to say, but this column is the first that made me realize how integral the show-ending promo is to Japanese pro wrestling, and how its absence is a big part of my not connecting with American wrestling in the same way. I never thought about it before, but it’s really a huge difference isn’t it? It’s not like wrestlers don’t have celebrations in America but there’s definitely no Tana-style speeches and air guitar and love (at least that makes it to the aired version), and lingering on that catharsis of feeling like you’re celebrating along with the wrestler or already getting pumped up for the next arc is a big deal, and a unique pressure on someone who is surely physically exhausted by this point I’m sure.

Apparently Gleat is in some way resurrecting the UWF name as Lidet UWF. I don’t really have enough context to understand anything about that, I just think it’s interesting that there’s semi-famously multiple short-lived promotions called UWF in both America AND Japan. I think in Japan the name is associated with “shoot-style” pro-wrestling, and this announcement includes a list of rules. I think I might have a book about one of the UWFs somewhere from when I was really going ham on the wrestling books…

The history column is about the media blitz as Muhammad Ali came to Japan in the lead-up to the famous fight with Inoki in 1976.

I don’t mention the “champ talk” column very often because it’s short and usually pretty shallow or just about wrestlers I don’t know, but apparently now コズエン have the record most defenses for the Artist of Stardom three-woman tag belts with V5 and we hear from Mina Shirakawa a bit because of it.
She says she got advice from Yuzuki Aikawa, who was Stardom’s first ace and was a former gravure idol herself, 「ただのプロレスラーにはなるな」, to not aim to become an ordinary prowrestler but embrace being a グラドルレスラー and use it as a source of strength and pride.

This looks like a hell of a suplex

Looks like Suzu and Risa had a match, in the form of the semifinals of an intergender deathmatch tournament that looks like it was a cool time! I’d be tempted to track that down…

The costume column spotlights Ice Ribbon wrestler Yuuki Mashiro and I just wanted to spotlight this very good homemade ガチャ themed belt because I guess she’s the ガチャ王 (?) - I’m not sure exactly what that entails, but on looking around for possible more information I realized I recognize her from winning the 新人賞 award in a previous issue! Think I’ve seen the belt before and wondered what it was too…

The business-focused column at the back talks to Rossy Togawa, the producer of Stardom, about why Stardom’s still running lots of shows amid covid and states of emergency and stuff, and it sounds more or less like Stardom’s just booming right now and they want to keep that momentum.
It mentions he’s called Hayashishita, Kamitani, Maika, Himeka, and Iida the “黄金世代” (borrowed the term from women’s golf appartently) and all 5 are expected to grow into top level contenders.

(Almost forgot to tag @fallynleaf - Perhaps I ought to have posted in the spiffy new thread instead!)


I laughed at the thought of Kenoh having opinions on Britt, haha! I would honestly pay to listen to him roast AEW wrestlers.

The match mentioned in this article was a lot of fun! One spot from it went moderately viral on tumblr (don’t click on this if you plan on watching the match, because I think it’s best as a surprise).

I definitely get this. Personally, I think my biggest issue with American wrestling is the lack of post-match comments in general. Or, well, they sometimes have them, but they’re much shorter and more limited, because they need to fit them into a small window of time on TV. Meanwhile, I’ll regularly watch a three hour NJPW show that has over half an hour of post-match comments. I think the way Japanese wrestling does it, where often pretty much everyone on the roster gets to talk in these, is a really good way of building a lot of characters and stories at once. In American wrestling, only a few characters are built at a time this way, and everyone else doesn’t get the space to talk. Post-match comments are also nice because they can be translated and subtitled, increasing the accessibility, and allowing foreign wrestlers and fans to understand in their own language.

I don’t watch GLEAT personally, but I have a few friends who love it, and they helped me put together some more info about it in the pro wrestling thread! If you’re even slightly curious, it’s actually a remarkably accessible promotion, which is very cool!

And feel free to post future updates in that thread if you would like! It would certainly make it easier for other people to find them and discuss them. Otherwise, there’s a decent chance it might just be me posting things in there, haha

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Haven’t been able to read as much with moving preparations and family visit, but finally finished imouto sae 11 and DANG. Shits actually getting kinda intense. I love how the book is named 妹さえいればいい and the revealed fact that the main character actually does have a little sister has now caused a tremendous blow to his career, caused him to break up with his girlfriend the night he was going to propose, and lose a lot of money

Gotta say, its a pretty interesting take on the siscon thing. Although its not like the title was supposed to mean anything and was actually the name of the book that made the MC a siscon. I keep telling myself I’ll read one more volume and go back to finish up tonari tenshi but these strong endings keep getting me lol.


Noticed some dropped prices for titles mentioned in this thread (for Kindle):


They are, in fact, books about the production of the movies and whatever went into them. If you’re interested in that, they’re true treasure troves. They usually consist of interviews with or articles by the staff and essays written by third parties (usually prominent personalities). I used the one on Princess Kaguya as the main resource when I wrote a paper on the movie in one of my classes. During that time I fell in love with them so much that I bought all of them (but still have to read most of them).


A friend of mine randomly got me the 紅の豚 one a while ago (before it was remotely within my strike zone) and I keep meaning to read it. I haven’t even seen the movie but flipping through the book was very exciting


A chapter of 獄門島 starts with a full six pages of just Kindaichi trying and failing to read some decorative haikus on a byobu for no particular reason and I felt that.



:rofl: that sounds about right.


I really want to get back into reading this month and reduce my current backlog by 4-5 titles.

These three I was already reading:

  1. かあちゃんに会いたい―がばいばあちゃんスペシャル
  2. 小川未明童話集 (the stories not covered in the book club)
  3. 貝に続く場所にて

Not sure about the other ones yet, but I’ll probably start a new book today or tomorrow.

I’ve already finished かあちゃんに会いたい today. I’ve professed my love for Yōshichi Shimada’s 佐賀のがばいばあちゃん many times now and this one is another entry in his autobiographical book series – the 5th one I’ve read (there are two more I think).

This one is about his mother. For financial reasons and because of his mother’s night work, he had to spend a large part of his childhood at other relatives’ places, mostly his grandmother’s place in Saga, until he moved back to Hiroshima for high school.

The book covers several decades, from Shimada’s early years until his mother’s death. It’s basically a compilation of endearing and sometimes touching anecdotes about his mother, her idiosyncracies and their relationship.

I enjoyed it. As always it’s super pleasant to read. By now I’ve read so many of Shimada’s books that this one didn’t offer anything unexpected anymore. But it’s still good comfort food.


I came across a manga titled もし、恋が見えたなら, with a very unique premise. The main character has the ability to see pink arrows pointing from a person to the person they like. She’s fed up with seeing this all the time, so she decides to enroll in an all girls school. Surely that’s the end of the story and she’ll never see the pink arrows again!

I think we all know where this is going. :joy:


My next read has been decided and it’s Nahoko Uehashi’s second novel, 月の森に、カミよ眠れ!


From the first chapter, it seems to be a lore-heavy Asian-style fantasy novel with strong spiritual elements (connection to nature, gods etc.) just like her other works. The ethnic feeling might be even stronger. It took me some 30 minutes to get used to the setting and writing style (i,e. the archaic Japanese), but after that it was a lot of fun. I like it so far! Will report back again once I’ve read more.


I’ve read it, so I at least certainly know where it’s going :slight_smile: I’d actually say it has a couple additional unique things to it other than just the premise(for one thing it’s not just black and white but actually black, white, and pink, with the pink mostly used for the pink arrows)

Random non-spoilery background screenshot to show what I mean


Would you recommend it based on the quality of the story/romance/comedy?

waits patiently for reply so I can potentially put some more yuri on my radar

Finished imouto sae 12 today and things got wrapped up nicely. It looks like the main character for the next book is actually going to switch to one of the current main side characters and I know the last volume is like a time skip, so this seems like a good place to put things on hold and go back to finishing up tonari tenshi.

Also, I feel like this is probably just me, but I really like the idea of like happy cliche anime and stuff just getting hella serious and depressing all of a sudden. Maybe thats why I like madoka magica so much. In imouto sae, there was a part where after breaking up with his girlfriend and becoming a drunk for a bit (actually happened) he ended up sleeping with an underage girl and getting caught which resulted in him getting arrested and disowned by his family. I was so hyped when that happened and was like holy schmolies its going down, but sadly it was a dream and while there actually was an underage girl trying to get him to sleep with her, he promptly refused this time around. Truly a shame she got done like that because I kinda like her better personality wise and think she would be a better main heroine but she be 17, sooooo. She just remains a side character and all we can do is wait for more of those drama CDs I guess


I’d say it’s basically what you’d probably expect from the premise and having read other yuri manga. Like, if I recall correctly it was a fun read and did what it did pretty well, but it’s not revolutionary or anything either in terms of overall plot for the most part. The arrows do make some for some decent comedic moments too though.

One thing that does stand out a bit(at least to me, in comparison to other stuff I’ve read) is how it deals with one love triangle… but saying more would obviously be a spoiler(for those who want to know, obviously spoilers though, it seems to be going a poly route where all three end up in love instead of having the mc choose someone)

The story is supposedly written by the author of watanare, by the way, at least if I remember correctly and the cover is to be believed(or well, I don’t know exactly what they did, but at least their name is on it)


Oh sweet. I also just checked and it looks like watanare 4 comes out in like 20 days so thats pretty hype.

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I finished はめふら 11 (which puts me even again with @Vanilla, with whom I am accidentally battling :joy:) and am now caught up until the next one comes out. This one had lots of fun stuff as well, though like last time what was perhaps the main plot was centered on a character I don’t really care about at all (last time: リアム, this time: デューイ). However, it also had a ton of マリア, hooray, and continued increased importance of ラファエル, whom I like a lot. Looking forward to 12!

Now that we’re in October and it’s a little less silly that I’m already planning reading goals for 2022: does anyone have any specific goals in mind looking into next year, reading-wise? :books:


Haha, heck me. I’m currently battling jet-lag and caffeine withdrawal so after reading for 10 minutes my brain is foggier than a silent hill movie. I won’t let you catch meeeeee (again)

Actually, this is a good chance to kinda bring this up. I kinda set a pretty arbitrary (and as you can see, underwhelming) goal this year, but was thinking about what would be an actually good, suitable, challenging goal for next year. The more I thought about it, though, the more I realized that I wouldn’t really be able to measure it by books. I also have some visual novels in mind and length wise a single visual novel all the way through can be 10+ light novels…so.

What I ended up coming up with with was what some immersion communities already do which is just measuring by characters read. All the tools I use to read already tell me characters read, so it wouldn’t be much of a pain to track and that would help me track across mediums (minus manga but I wouldn’t count those anyways), and it would obviously weight 400+ page books more than 200+ page books for amount read as they should be. I just wasn’t sure if this thread would be the right place to track that because everyone else does books read and I wouldn’t wanna disrupt the flow of @Naphthalene 's pretty table.

But right now, what I currently think would be a good goal would be 10,000,000 characters for 2022. I think most light novels are around 100-120k characters per volume (but I’ve also seen ones that are 200k+) so 80-100 books equivalent depending on length roughly.


I actually like that system a lot. I guess it would make more sense than just book count too.
If the formating ends up too weird, we may want to just add another table…

Completely unrelated, but

I guess not. Like, not at all.
I have read a completely different book instead (self-help for people with ADHD).
Mostly, my spouse suspected I may have ADHD inattentive type, and it sure does sound familiar.
At the same time, the self evaluation table said “you need the say yes to 15/20 of those to have (probably) ADHD” and I only got 14, so I dunno :woman_shrugging:

Anyway, I’m late on 乳と卵 (still halfway through week 2), so I’ll try to finish that soon, and then move on to Re:Zero (maybe; like, seriously, I try to read, then Subaru opens his mouth and I just nope out).


Yeah I mean its definitely a good metric but it can be a pain to track depending on how you read and might be near impossible if you read like physical books and manga. I’ll see how it ends up looking and go from there I guess.

im not sure how similar they are, but fwiw online ADHD test results tell me I’m unlikely to have ADHD but I do and was diagnosed by not just 1 but actually 2 medical professionals. I don’t take my medication anymore either so its not like that affected my answers.

In my case, I don’t really have any of the stuff people typically associate with ADHD like bouncing off walls and am usually pretty quiet and relaxed physically as you know (apart from leg bouncing and hand rubbing I guess). Its just that the issues I do have are quite intense I guess like difficulty reading, bad memory issues, etc… So maybe you’re in a similar boat.