[2024] 多読/extensive reading challenge

I came here to comment on 薬屋のひとりごと 10, but it looks like I skipped a few steps…
Wait, 6 days ago? Oh, well, that explains why I didn’t realized I skip things. I still remembered posting about the “previous” book :sweat_smile:

On LGBTQ+ representation in the series (almost no spoiler)

Well, completely unrelated to the plot, I’m glad there’s LGBTQ+ representation in this series. (Including the T, even though I guess that’s a spoiler, since those characterS are stealth….) I’m especially glad for the B representation, from a major named character (and the fact that he is written in a much deeper way than just “he is the dude who’s bi”). Overall, the whole alphabet mafia is present in named characters, except, maybe, for the G. I feel like ヤブ医者 (I forgot his name, since nobody really uses it, but it was mentioned, so he is named) could count since he has only shown interest in 壬氏, who’s technically a man :thinking:

Regarding the plot, volume 8+ are basically one long arc, and is more thriller and less mystery solving than the previous books. That shift in tone was nice at first, but, somewhere on volume 11, I’m starting to find it a bit tiring (said I who read ~ 1000 pages in less than a week), but it’s still fun enough. I’m facing a problem, though, as volume 11 is the last published, and the author takes a long time to write a book. Estimates online puts the end of december (so, in three months) as the earliest estimate, and the end of next year as a safer bet. Oh boy, I sure hope volume 11 does not end on a cliffhanger.

The only thing I want to rant about is the romance part.

Some rant, spoilers for volume... 8? 9?

So, the story so far is that 壬氏 wants to mary 猫猫, but she’s not interested. She gives as a reason, among others, that she doesn’t want to have to deal with the political aspects of marrying someone who’s pretty high in line to inherit the throne.
壬氏 is a pretty smart guy, but sometimes he is very dumb. So he went ahead and made sure that he cannot inherit the throne. Task failed successfully. Lo and behold, 猫猫 still doesn’t want to marry him. Couldn’t have seen that coming.
At some point in volume 8 or 9, 猫猫 snaps and tells him that if he wants to [have sex with her], he can just order her to do it, since she’s a lowly commoner, so that they can all be done with that and move on with their lives. That proves that 猫猫 can also be dumb sometimes. First of all, she should know 壬氏 does not (or at least tries not to) abuse his power (apparently that does not extend to thinking that sexual harassment is problematic, but whatever). Second, as much as she loves to pretend that she is a commoner, she is still the legitimate daughter of the master strategist of the Empire, who’s the head of the 羅 family. Sure, she hates his guts and pretends they are not related, but that doesn’t change the fact that said general would literally turn the army’s cannons against the imperial palace in an attempt to save her. That literally happened. And he has the political power to get away with it without even losing his position (still had to pay for repairs, though). (By the way, that is an abuse of power). 猫猫, what do you think would happen to 壬氏 if he went ahead with the scenario you describe? It’s not even like you could both decide to hide it, since said general has the almost supernatural capacity of reading what’s on people’s mind.
I don’t know. While 壬氏’s attitude is not great overall, I feel like that’s a more than useless answer.

I still not sure what to think of their relationship.


Man, one thing I’ll give the 妹さえいればいい author is he knows how to drop some bombs at the end of the volume lol.

Took about 40 seconds at the end of volume 10 to go from 妹さえいればいい to 妹さえいればよくない. If my man’s good at anything its getting you excited for the next volume and promoting drama CDs.


It did not! It was the end of the arc! Lucky! (Kinda)

Spoilers volume 11

I’m a bit disappointed about that, actually. It was a nice build up until the 80% mark. I especially liked that there was no bad guy up to that point: the antagonist is simply lobbying, using political favor, and manipulating the public opinion to advance his agenda. None of those thing are illegal (in world) and, in fact, are also used by the protagonists. While said agenda isn’t great (invading the neighboring country), that’s also not something that’s completely unacceptable since he has a casus belli. Just as the antagonist just “wins” such political influence that nothing can stop him at this point, bam, deus ex machina, he gets randomly murdered by a secondary character. Then the last 20% are basically a flashback from that character’s point of view explaining why he did that. Since no one really cares about the war, it doesn’t happen. Done.
Hm :confused: Oh well, it was still fun, and, for once, there was a healthy romantic interaction between 猫猫 and 壬氏.

Past publication dates show that there’s usually a much longer gap between the end of an arc and the beginning of another one, so… hmmm I guess I’ll have to wait a bit. (At least, it’s not frustrating)


What are you planning to read next?

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Not sure yet. In any case, I’m going to catch up with the 乳と卵 club today. Not sure after that.
I still have ~ 20 unread books (that seems to never change no matter what I do…) and I’m not done with the 天冥の標 series. I also want to try reading the spider thing light novel :dizzy_face:


You can finish all of that by the time I finish 本好き volume 12! (Only halfway through volume 11 now!)

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Based on my experience of the past couple of years, I’ll have ~ 20 unread books by the time you finish volume 12 :stuck_out_tongue:


How do you have any money left. :joy:


Book Off :eyes:
How do I have any space left?
Also Book Off


In unrelated news, I’m trying to buy some more manga, but there always seems to be one or two manga I want to order out of stock at any given point. It’s really annoying waiting for them all to be in stock at the same time! I’m trying to order from CD Japan instead of Amazon because I’m tired of Amazon damaging my manga, but unfortunately CD Japan has a little more issue keeping things in stock consistently.

The one out of stock right now is called 星屑テレパス, which is a 4-koma manga from Manga Time Kirara. I barely know anything about it, but there’s something about someone maybe being an alien (I assume they’re probably not actually) and foreheads. But look at that cover! How could I not buy it?


This is why I’m planning to start buying more digital manga. I’m still going to buy a handful of series, especially anything from Manga Time Kirara physically. But for things I’m half and half on, or are a smaller book size, I figure I might as well start buying digitally to save some money, a lot of waiting, and a lot of shelf space. Unfortunately no one in the U.S. would want 90% of the manga I read, and I’m too lazy to try to sell them anyway.


Alright, I’m up to date with that book club. However, I have no idea of what to read next, so, I’m going to do like @valkow and ask the crowd what I should read next.

  • BoFuri 10
  • 後宮妃の管理人 1
  • かくりよの宿飯 8
  • わたしの幸せ結婚 3
  • 鹿の王 2
  • 獣の奏者 3
  • DanMachi 14
  • Re: Zero 12
  • 天冥の標 3
  • I like to click on polls and/or would like to respectfully suggest something else

0 voters


*sigh* I kept hoping for a different result, but Re:Zero 12, I guess.

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I finished はめふら 10 today and started the next one. I’ve slowed down quite a bit on reading, but not in a way that feels like a problem (1. I still read every day, 2. I’ve already hit my goal for the year). However, tomorrow I start my first Mandarin class, which could erode enough time and energy that finding some for Japanese reading could become an issue. Since I’m participating in the read every day challenge, I’m hoping I will at least be able to keep to that goal.

I was (/am) reading パノラマ島綺譚 and enjoying it. However, even enjoying it I was finding that I had to make myself reach for it to start reading. As 2021 is a year of read what I want when I want, I decided to let it lapse a while and see if I end up reaching for it naturally when the mood strikes. It’s possible the book club will up that motivation when it begins.

@Naphthalene As you mentioned, I like a good help me decide what to read poll, but I don’t think it has to be binding? :joy: Sometimes a poll helps me by getting me to realize what I don’t want right then.


I mean, sure. At the same time, I’ve been pushing off that series for more than 6 months, so, it’s time to eat the frog, I guess.

(I’m tempted to say screw the rules and just get 伯爵と妖精 1 instead, though)


!! my goodness. If that had been an option in the poll I might have been tempted to do morally questionable things to make it win. :grin:


Well, I want to prioritize finishing the things I still have. Some have been rotting in my unread pile since early 2019… Soooo, that was only an option as part of “I want to suggest something else”.


I get it. Go, go, frog-eating!


I’m French, I should be good at that.


Lmao, hirasaka yomi is the author of my book and its about light novel authors, so he always finds ways to include himself somehow and usually throw in some self deprecating humor. He also sometimes throws in internal monologues for some of the characters like “I wouldn’t do super specific thing because that would cause my publisher to get mad at me like a certain other author” and I’m pretty sure hes referencing stuff he’s done in the past but I haven’t been able to find anything so I’m not sure.

An example from when they were having a meeting about what the obi of one authors new book should be and if they should have it be a recommendation from another author