[2024] 多読/extensive reading challenge

Oh :confused: That’s too bad. I guess I can just throw it further down my reading priority list…


What about it don’t you like so far? Is it more on the story/character side or the writing quality side?

Reply to Belerith

Oh, I like them too! And the younger brother’s girlfriend (red-hair from the museum), so she’s also taken. :smiley:
So I settled for someone with the closest vibe, デイモン (the one with the blond hair, black leather jacket, living in a livestock shop). And I actually just married him.

Oh, I wanted to ask you about one more game, Kuukiyomi. I know you only played it “for a little while”, but I can’t figure out since forever what this game is even supposed to be about and I’m curious.

First the spider series, now this. You’re going to wipe clean my entire wish list :<
(I’m not really deleting it yet, but it also got a lower priority now)


I hope you don’t mind me responding too, but the most common thing I’ve seen people not like about it is that the main character is very pushy sometimes, especially during the first third or so of the first book in the series

(That said, I personally liked both of the first two books a lot though so I don’t really know why I’m randomly replying)

game talk is extensive (reading) too~

Ooh I like ベス too! :slight_smile: I like エミリオ、デイモン、ジャック and リン well enough, but I still hardly know anything about them. デイモン’s first event was cute, and he likes coffee - I love coffee, haha. But sadly, no real favorites yet along the actual bachelor/ettes. Does it still feel like settling now, or did you grow to like him as a character throughout the game and events?

This is a tough one, honestly. What do you do…? Not much. It’s a fun idea, but I’m not sure what would make me come back to it. Basically you get presented scenarios to react to by moving the person/animal/item you’re responsible for in that scenario. You’re supposed to ‘read the air’ and react in a way that causes the least friction/creates the most harmony. Maybe it’s cause I’m not Japanese enough, but some of those scenarios where just weird. :joy: I’m sorry, I don’t really know how to describe this game. I think there’s a demo for it…? I think you can also play with multiple people, but I haven’t tried that yet. Maybe that’d be more fun for longer…?

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@seanblue A mix of both! Some of it is definitely what @Ditto20 mentioned below. I am withholding (full) judgment until I finish the first book, but I wanted to explain why I changed my vote (beyond just hoping you’d get to an actual winner).

@Aislin Oh noooo I wouldn’t base too much on my feelings! I don’t know about 私の推しは悪役令嬢 fully since I haven’t finished it, but I definitely still recommend at least the spider books I’ve read. Even the ones I’ve liked less, there are still some really, really fun parts, including the one I’m reading now. Also, the way the series is trending in terms of plot (not in terms of covers, pictures, fan service, etc) is really something that might just be me wishing it could stay the old way, and also I might end up being convinced later, who knows. :grin:

@Ditto20 Yes, that is some of it for sure! I got to the part where she said to herself something like ‘this is straight-up sexual harassment’ and thought WELL THEN DON’T DO IT?! And then right after that the picture in the underwear with the ogling… just not my thing. I’m still hoping it’ll come around for me, as I’d really like to like the series.


Well, I tempted fate.

I’m halfway through 京都寺町三条のホームズ vol. 1 (didn’t have time to read my quota yesterday so I did double duty today). I’m finding more and more that the show (which I already enjoyed quite a lot!) does NOT do the books justice and I’ve been getting excited about the prospect of catching up and eventually surpassing the adapted material.

So I went off to Amazon to see if it would give me one of those deals that go “just for you, buy in the next 8 minutes and save!”, and what do you know….



That’s good to hear. I really enjoyed the show, so I’ll have to add the books to my wish list.

SoS: Olive Town - Damon

I really liked his events (he event wrote a song for me ❥). So I’m happy with my choice. :blush:

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I finished はめふら volume 10 a couple of days ago and, well, it wasn’t great. I was still fine, though, so I guess part of it comes from the expectation that built over time while I was waiting for it…
The main problems (for me) were that
カタリナ doesn’t do much this time and that characters were mostly caricatures of themselves. ソフィア basically just appears for a dream sequence and otherwise hands over a bagful of light novels. メアリ tells ジオルド to stop his scheming. He doesn’t. Nothing happens. (Also, obviously, カタリナ has forgotten everything related to romance because of the “long” time she has spent away in the previous volume). Only characters who were lagging behind in terms of interaction with her got some actual screen time, like アラン or ラファエル. The author seems to be trying really hard to make it an open race. That’s too bad, I think.
My only hope at this point is that the super secret love target that was mentioned is in fact カタリナ, making it that getting with マリア is possible and removes all 破滅 flags

I wonder if we will need to wait another year for the next volume :frowning:


@Naphthalene It may be a while before I get this one, so thank you for your comprehensive spoiler hiding. :black_heart:

I’m still reading 蜘蛛ですが、なにか 4 and my new favorite part of this book is (a small thing with big implications that I very much wouldn’t have wanted to know when starting out in the series—>) when she gets exploded into bits and then wakes up bobbing in the ocean as a disembodied spider head. :joy:

I need some additional motivation to get caught up on book club things! I keep twelve million lists on my study log, but also purposefully tend to let that fall way down in campfire so I can make my lists without being concerned about boring anyone who clicks. However, apparently this time I need the motivation that comes with non-me eyeballs and thus at least a little accountability. Checkboxes! For manga I want to push ahead and finish the volume, and for novels I’ll stick to the current week (for now).

フルーツバスケット 3

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ゆるキャン△ 6

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不可解なぼくのすべてを 1

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  • Week 4


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Recently ended up in the hospital with some health issues and two symptoms I had were nausea and dizziness that lasted way to heckin long and made reading in japanese (and english to some extent) pretty impossible. I’ve been getting better and today I was finally able to read like 60+ pages without issue which means I should be back in business.

From the looks of it though, I have some catching up to do

EDIT: Ok finished my book. Time to read another


Making your move when I start focusing on book club reading–I tip my hat to your crafty timing. (Also, glad to hear you’re recovering!)


So I have a Nintendo Switch Game Voucher that’s expiring soon and am trying to decide what to use it on. I don’t really game much any more now that the Learning Japanese MMORPG has taken over. But, if I’m going to use it, I might as well use it on a game that will level up my Japanese.

Here are a few games that seem text-heavy and have Japanese language support:

I’m currently leaning towards Xenoblade Chronicles just because it has the highest Metacritic score. Does anyone here have other recommendations, especially from a Japanese language learning front? @rodan I think I saw you post about Tokyo Mirage Sessions earlier. :blush:

You did indeed! I talked about it pretty extensively with Aislin somewhere in this thread (maybe under the header 幻影異聞録♯FE if you wanna find it). It’s good!
Language-wise, there’s no problem at all with text moving too fast, and there’s lots and lots and lots of fully voiced dialogue which is nice. It’s a modern setting with different characters of different ages and personalities talking to (and texting) each other in different registers, so there’s definitely good practice to be had! And the story is straightforward enough (kinda to a fault…) that you don’t have to worry too much about not knowing what’s going on.
There’s a lot of systems and weird magic skill names and stuff, so it can be overwhelming sometimes, but that’s probably true of any RPG.

Unfortunately I haven’t played any other of the games you mentioned (yet)! Or much else on my switch in Japanese either. So I can’t really offer a comparison.

I actually didn’t notice that Nintendo lists the supported languages like that! That’s good to know! I guess my importing Dragon Quest XI before I knew about changing the system language wasn’t pointless after all…

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んー I’m done with most of the book clubs I am part of and I’m not sure what to read now.
I actually feel like going ahead with FukaBoku, but I have (again) so many books piled up that it feels hard to justify buying anything else…


Time to borrow 放浪息子 from the library again. :upside_down_face:


It’s, err, not a good time.

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The rest of them? :eyes:

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Well, that’s Re:Zero and ゆるキャン△. Considering there’s no discussion on the former and that I do not even own the latter, it doesn’t feel like a pressing matter either way. :thinking:

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