[2024] 多読/extensive reading challenge

Content goes border to border across the page top to bottom. The content is increased in size by about 23%. If you compared releases, in the last release everything on the pages is bigger than prior releases.

The original monthly serialization in Nakayoshi is still biggest, though, at almost 25.5 cm tall, versus the 17 cm tall tankoubon and shinsouban releases, and the 21 cm tall kanzenban release.


Thanks! For some reason I thought it was one of those super-long-running series, which I’m always hesitant to get into, 10 volumes is a pretty approachable run though.


For length, I recommend thinking of it as 14 volumes of a “standard” manga. The kanzenban (10 volume) release is typically about 300 pages long, although the one with the Luna story is just over 400 pages long.

If you do check it out, I hope you enjoy it! It’s something of a fast-paced series.


I also was surprised :smiley: I was expecting 50+ volumes somehow.


Considering the original anime was 200 episodes long, it’s understandable.

(Now, Detective Conan…)


I’m very much enjoying my time with 京都寺町三条のホームズ. I’m 1/3 of the way through book 1 after just a few days of reading and feeling quite certain that I’ll continue the series once I finish (though I also have 雷の季節の終わりに and some other backlog books I really should finish first…plus the author also has a new book out called 満月喫茶店 which looks so cozy…のぉぉぉ too many books)

I really like it when the main character in a story is as ignorant of the setting as I am. I know practically nothing about Japanese antiques and am almost as ignorant of Kyoto’s unique history and culture, but neither does Aoi, and the other characters are very obliging to fill us both in. I’ve heard that the author literally started this series after she moved to Kyoto and fell in love with the city, and so far she’s doing a great job of making me want to back and spend some concentrated time there.


I think I’m just gonna try to cram as much misc. manga in while I wait for my order of Wandering Son.
Here are a couple of new volumes to cute series I’m already familiar with:

うちの息子はたぶんゲイ (3)

This series is a very cute and very light one about a mother observing her son and wishing for the best for him. It’s very sweet, and models a very nice example of quietly supportive parenting of a not-out (but not good at hiding it…) child. If it were in English I was thinking I would maybe gift a copy to my mom, as it reminds me of her (in a good way!).


Spoiler: it’s good!
Actually, I thought it was really lovely! The rock-picking-up part was especially sweet and reminded me a lot of growing up, and it gets surprisingly overtly emotional at the end in a way I don’t think the series has done before. Yanda’s 100% ignored “俺は?” in that part was very very funny to me. That “dang they made me laugh a lot in the middle of a really sad part” reminded me of the Dungeon Meshi volume I just read.
(on the other hand, maybe it’s because I bought a blender that I never got around to using, but sometimes I feel like Azuma is just pitching me on products in a really roundabout way…)
(I don’t wanna rub in that this copy shipped to me quicker than it seems like it has for the actual series discussion thread)

It seems like my misc. manga is like half sickly sweet and half ghastly horror so I’m not sure whether to stick with the theme or go for tonal dissonance and switch to the horror but I guess we’ll see.

These were actually the first manga that I didn’t even feel the need to bother to have my phone handy in case I needed to look stuff up! That felt pretty cool.


I’m already in 1st year winter, and I’m still having fun, but I risked looking at some communities yesterday, and now I’m feeling like people who posted this gif after the Cyberpunk premiere:

hidden for length

I mean, I agree with some of the critique - loading times are awful, fps drops are awful. I’m expecting a patch from the devs. And I also miss some of the festivals traditional to the series.

But I really like the “reclaiming the land” vibe. All these broken structures hidden in the woods, wild chickens and cows… I adored the feeling of wandering through the thick forest, only to suddenly bump into a hidden sheep.
I must admit I played “Don’t Starve” as a farming simulator, instead of progressing through the worlds, and it sorta reminded me of that playthrough. Only less dark. But at least now legitimately designed to be played this way :stuck_out_tongue:
Of course, this charm only works for a first time and without walkthrough, and now I basically cut all the trees and my land isn’t so wild anymore, but I’m happy to be able to have experienced this feeling.

I’m also happy that people/animals friendship goes up quicker, that they removed all these categories for vegs/fruits and went back to just general 1-10 stars (although I’m still missing the times when there were no stars at all), that you can up these stars more easily…
I like how cooking isn’t so overpowered anymore.
I like how they resolved the mining issue - you can save anytime, but not in mines. I prefer it to “no quicksave at all” from Stardew. (I never really progressed too far in Stardew, because no quicksave stressed me out in the beginning. I like to experiment with how things are done without penalties. I know they are modes for PC, but I prefer playing everything on handhelds.)
As for the town, it’s normal for me to miss old cast at the beginning, not only for this series, but for other series as well, but now I’m warming up to the new villagers.
But I agree it’s absurd how many makers you need.

Overall, I’m really enjoying this game and it makes me sad it’s so badly received, both because I think it doesn’t deserve so much backlash and because I’m afraid that in future games they’ll give up some of the improvements I like.
But, uh, it feels like nowadays every new game gets a ton of backlash. Eh. :worried: Of course, it’s true that more and more stuff is being shifted to “we’ll fix it later with patches”, and this is a bad practice, but at the same time, many of these games are still totally playable and fun for me.


You’re so much farther ahead than I am! I’m just entering summer 1 haha.
I am also enjoying it a lot though. :blush: are there spoilers hidden behind that drop down?

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Nope, just as description says it’s just hidden because of length.
It’s a relief that I’m not alone, because I even started worrying that your earlier comment was meant to be sarcastic :sweat_smile:

Community atmosphere is so grim that I even saw somebody worrying that they gonna scratch the English translation - since it’s only a month gap between releases, highly unrealistic, but you get the mood.
And I think that I saw info that the main producer had to block comments on Twitter.
And, well, the Amazon reviews:
Bez tytułu

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SoS olive town

Oh wow, I hadn’t known there were so many bad reviews. I haven’t checked those at all so far, and I think I’ll stay clear for a while longer now. :sweat_smile:

Loading times really are pretty bad, and the makers… I’ve a dedicated maker corner on my farm. :joy:

I wish things would just magically process instantly instead of taking in game hours, but I do like the crafting system on the whole.

I noticed relationships go up super quick, but I also like that. I also really appreciate that everyone’s there for the start and you don’t have to fulfill weird requirements to get half of the villagers.

I mean, yeah there’s stuff that’s iffy, but it also feels very fresh. There’s so much that’s new to the series, and it’s not all executed super well, but it’s also not all Bad. Oh well. We’re having fun at least.

Re: Olive Town

Well, it’s the only logical solution. I even surrounded mine with a fence :grin:

Ah, and I liked the character creator! It was surprisingly LGBTQ+/GSRM friendly for a Japanese game, especially since even in recent FOMT remake gay marriages were still called best friend system in Japanese.
I love how I could choose feminine/masculine movement style (and it wasn’t even described by gender), male/female voice and it was totally unrelated to other options. And you can also choose freely between male/female wedding attire!
I know that technically mayor still makes you choose your “official” gender, but oh well, there is pregnancy in these games :wink:


Sure, I added you! I’m still not sure what the internet functionality adds to this game in particular, but I already saw some cool games in your profile (nocturne! I still need to finish that, but I’m so unlikely to set up my old ps2… I didn’t realize they’d ported that one!), so stalking sounds good too. I’m mostly a very casual gamer though, haha.

I liked the character creator too! It had just the right amount of choices not to make me feel overwhelmed or take an hour. :slight_smile: At first I thought the choice of walk determined your gender, like they do in pokemon games sometimes (or do they? I’ve memories of being asked my character’s gender very indirectly :thinking:). The mayor asking surprised me, but I found how he asked pretty cute.


I also still don’t know how the internet functionality works here ^^"
I’ve only heard that you can see other players photos on loading screens and that people find it amusing to photograph animal butts. But I play with flight mode on most of the time to conserve the battery, so I’m lamentably missing that.

I may have a fuzzy memory about something like that, but I also don’t remember it too well.
But yes, mayor was very cute about it! ^^

My PS2 is still proudly being connected to the TV, even if nowadays it’s mostly for exhibition. But Nocturne port is much more friendly experience with the added Merciful difficulty. It’s even a little too easy, but I prefer it to the alternative. There are also DLCs for grinding. I did finish in in these 25 hours and I don’t think it would be possible for the original version.
I still gave up and used walkthrough for most dungeons, though. And the language-wise it was too hard for me, especially when they were talking about different world views, philosophies and such, but I supported myself with the old PS2 English script. But unfortunately, if SMTV really will launch this year, I’ll have to stick to English. Oh well.

And I saw you actually played that FOMT remake. I’m a little curious how it turned out, but I played the original so many times, even quite recently, that I need a break from that town.
I really miss rival system from FOMT :< I liked when other bachelors and bachelorettes were having their own relationship and all.

Btw, did you pick your own bachelor/bachelorette in OT yet?

And you did play Animal Crossing. How does it compare to SoS? I’m skipping AC because I don’t like real-time progression and animorphistic characters, but I’m interested about comparison.

And uh, I can’t decide should I hide long, but unspoilery posts like this or not.


If you want…? I sometimes do and sometimes don’t, depending on my mood, the thread (and how well my post fits the topic imo), and the particular length of a post. Mostly my mood. :eyes:

all the topics

I’ve about 30 hours on my ps 2 save for nocturne, I believe…? I don’t remember too well how far I got exactly story wise. I believe the localized version was much kinder difficulty wise than the Japanese one. I don’t think I used a walkthrough, but then I also never finished it. :smiley: I kind of want to get the remake now, but I can’t really justify the full price when I do have the ps2 version sitting there…

As for the fomt remake, I think it turned out cute the art style and character presentation is pretty different optically, but it is mostly the same characters still. There was a lot of nostalgia. It’s much nicer to look at than the original, though I did miss the old faces a bit. I didn’t play all that much of it since it coincided with a no gaming phase I had, and I didn’t get back into it after. I do agree it’s a shame they took the rival marriages out, I liked them too in the games they’re in. I was hoping for some added rival couple kids. :<

Not yet, no. I really like the two guys in the handy shop (or, bike repair shop. Tool shop? I wonder how they call it I’m the English localization), but those are in relationships. :< None of the others quite made enough of an impression yet, but as they display more of their personalities I’m sure that’ll change.

Did you? :eyes:

And hmm, I think AC and SoS are really different. I mean the crafting system in the newer SoS, especially olive town, does feel similar to the one in ACNH, I suppose, but other than that it’s doesn’t feel comparable to me. Not liking real time progression would be a deal breaker for AC for sure. :smiley: I don’t like feeling like I have to play a game on a certain day or at a certain time. I think NH doesn’t penalize an absence as much as previous entries though. Even when you’ve been gone half a year (:eyes:), you only have to hear about it from all the villagers once. And get rid of a mountain of weeds.

In retrospect I should have quoted more. Oh well.


Why do I even make polls? :laughing:



I don’t know what you mean. I’m seeing a clear winner here.


The decision to not read something doesn’t help me decide what to read. :wink:


The obvious choice is to fight the system and to do the exact opposite. :upside_down_face:


I rescinded a vote (feeling not great about 私の推しは悪役令嬢 so far), but that still leaves you with a three-way tie…

Also, I really enjoyed キッチン, but didn’t vote for it because I’m not sure you’ll like it as much. Notably, this is based on zero factual information.