🔊 Listen Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸 🌈

2024-04-20 — 2024-04-21

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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-04-21 :speech_balloon: Japanese From Small Talk :headphones: Podcast :arrow_forward: 1 Episode
:vhs: 41
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h50m
:chart_with_downwards_trend: コツ :spiral_notepad: Study :clipboard: 200 Items :hourglass: 0h20m
2024-04-20 :chart_with_downwards_trend: コツ :spiral_notepad: Study :clipboard: 200 Items :hourglass: 0h20m

So saturday turned into another pitch accent only day, but today I got back to Japanese from Small Talk after a long hiatus as I was spending time on Log Horizon and other anime.


Week 2 & 3 check-in:

The more I’ve been listening, the easier it is to do every day. Anytime I’m driving, my phone automatically connects to my car, so it will auto-play my Japanese playlist (which at this point is just Nihongo Con Teppei & Akane Sensei.)

Satori Reader has been a big help with getting my listening in, but a lot of times there is new vocab, so it’s sort of two problems at once. Those would be learning to hear as well as learning the new words. I dread the thought of listening to the same thing over and over again, although that might be a good way to solidify what I’m hearing.


April 14-20

From Me to You, Daily Japanese with Naoko, and some Japanese music.


Week 2 and 3 update for the Spring Listening Challenge

April 8 - 21

I couldn’t update last week cause I travelled for a friend’s wedding and it got extremely busy that I even missed listening for 3 days. :frowning:

But here’s what I listened to the last two weeks:

  • 4 episodes of Comprehensible Japanese Beginner playlist
  • 4 episodes of Nihongo con Teppei
  • 2 episodes of the Jammaker on Satorireader
  • 1 episode of Daily Life with Naoko
  • 4 episodes of Chill Spanish Listening
  • 1 episode of Spanish for False Beginners

:white_check_mark: 10 out of 14 days of Japanese
:white_check_mark: 5 out of 14 days of Spanish

I’m pretty happy with my listening comprehension! But I do think the Comprehensible Japanese Beginner playlist is getting a little too boring for me and I already play them on 1.25 speed. I feel the same about Nihongo con Teppei which I listen to on I’m wondering if the episodes progress within that playlist or if I should just go ahead with skipping the rest to go the intermediate playlist.

My Spanish listening has also been fun. Especially the episodes on Spanish False Beginners which are 9 - 12 minutes long. It’s basically a couple who are talking to each other: 1 native speaker and 1 non-native speaker and they discuss interesting topics. Recently they were talking about relationships and breakups. I kind of wish I could find one in Japanese like this, but it may be too advanced for Japanese level. The Chill Spanish Listening is just 3 minutes long so that’s really only me doing the minimum. I maybe should do at least 2 episodes per day if I listen to that one.


What in the world is happening here!?? I watched up to 1:30 and I have no idea what’s going on. From 100 cats to 50 cats? What are they doing?? Sorry for the excessive question marks, I’m just so curious… :sweat_smile:


I am re-listening now. It’s exactly in the title. Explaining CSR to cats, and count attention.

About why 100 to 50, you have to watch with the suggesting subtitle. Too hard to count. They stray from sight easily.


Keeping the content for the audience is pretty amazing, actually.


Ahahaha! Thanks. I didn’t even bother translating the title, sorry. I got too excited when I saw your post. :sweat_smile:

I bothered to translate some of the comments on deepL and found out this is about Yamato’s CSR activities. What genius! :rofl: And they have so much more content of cats on their YouTube page. This is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing!

And also thanks for the lovely gif! I am so deprived of time with cats right now… :sob:


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 4

I skipped yesterday. Just nothing comprehensible and interesting enough, actually.

4月22日 (月)

狼と香辛料 Vol.3 (0:48-1:22/9:46). End Ch.1.

Daily brief x1


After that, I used music theory/talk as background music, while driving. I can’t see the screen or any image, just sound via bluetooth.


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home Post and thread


:jar: The Jam Maker on Satori Reader, episodes 33 to 36.
Nothing happens in 4 episodes. How is it even possible ? :sweat_smile:


Today’s video:

A general conversation, with a lot of laughing.


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 4

4月23日 (火)

赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う。 Ch.2 (2:55-3:55/8:43). End Ch.2/Week 2.

狼と香辛料 Vol.3 (1:22-1:52/9:46). Smooth narrator and slightly sleep-inducing.


:headphones: Home post // April 23 :cherry_blossom: :rainbow:

Have been busy lately. Today I watched episode 7 of Spy x Fam Season 2.


Today’s listening:

Talking about childhood, with some focus on causative / causative passive grammar.


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home Post and thread


:love_letter: Orange, episode 1.
I decided to watch this anime with japanese subtitles as it is rated level 20 on Natively. Anyway, I wanted to read it or watch it, so I thought it was a good opportunity to challenge my listening skills^^


2024-04-22 — 2024-04-23

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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-04-23 :speech_balloon: Japanese From Small Talk :headphones: Podcast :arrow_forward: 1 Episode
:vhs: 43
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h38m
:chart_with_downwards_trend: コツ :spiral_notepad: Study :clipboard: 200 Items :hourglass: 0h15m
2024-04-22 :speech_balloon: Japanese From Small Talk :headphones: Podcast :arrow_forward: 1 Episode
:vhs: 42
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h33m

Two more episodes of Japanese from Small Talk in the last two days. I’ve been trying to get back into walking after reducing its frequency over Winter so podcasts are back on the menu for a while. I took Monday off of コツ as it’s not really motivating the same way media is, but pitch accent is kind of a a thing I feel I need to get through, especially with the plans of starting speaking practice some point this Spring. The day off seems to have worked a bit though, as my accuracy went up to 66% :slight_smile: Now if it can just stay there or go up :stuck_out_tongue:


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 4

4月24日 (水)

Daily brief x2

YUYU, the latest episode

狼と香辛料 Vol.3 (1:52-2:23/9:46)


Videoooo -

About visiting New York from a Japanese perspective


Today’s vid:

Talking about loneliness (and lots of other things), this one was quite a bit longer than usual


2024-04-24 — 2024-04-25

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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-04-25 :chart_with_downwards_trend: コツ :spiral_notepad: Study :clipboard: 400 Items :hourglass: 0h30m
2024-04-24 :chart_with_downwards_trend: コツ :spiral_notepad: Study :clipboard: 200 Items :hourglass: 0h15m

The last two days were pretty much just コツ、


Today’s videos:

About shopping, in Okinawa, though a lot of other stuff is talked about too

Youtube also suggested a random video to me about photographing tulips and other flowers and some talk about cameras/photography
It’s not constant dialogue, but when there is there’s a lot and it’s fast, it was hard to keep up at times