🏔 ❄️ サバイバル・ゲーム 極寒の雪山を脱出せよ ❄ 🏔 Escape from the cold and snowy mountains [SURVIVED!]

:snowflake: :mountain_snow: Welcome to 極寒の雪山を脱出せよ - Escape from the Cold and Snowy Mountain :mountain_snow: :snowflake:

This is part of the サバイバル・ゲーム! Survival Escape Game Informal Book Club
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Vocab spreadsheet

You can participate by joining the club as an explorer (reader):evergreen_tree:or observer :eyes: See polls in the first comment to join!

The Adventure Begins

You wake up alone in the Andes in a blizzard. Which way to walk? How to avoid potential dangers? Your choices will determine your fate!

This is a choose your own adventure book and is part of a series of 5 independent books that are in paper form only. Do you dare join an adventure party to find out if you have what it takes to survive???

:eagle: Considerations :eagle:

Natively Rating: level 21 Furigana: Yes

Difficulty level thoughts: BBC level. Japanese reviewers suggest it’s the right level for a 3rd grader but too easy for a 6th grader.

:cold_face: Where to Buy :cold_face:

Physical Purchase (JP): Amazon JP
CD Japan
Kinokuniya JP

:fox_face: Discussion / How it Works :fox_face:

Set this thread to watching!

The book doesn’t have page numbers, but scenes (circled number at top of page). To help people orient and avoid spoilers, put comments under the scene name. For example: “Scene 1-3” would mean scene 1, page 3 of that scene. Or just write “scene 1 page 3”. That way, if someone else isn’t on that scene/page yet, they can wait to open it!

If you’re joining the party exploring this book, we are going to read in “Stages”, which is a collection of scenes up to the next decision point, i.e., Stage (A, B, C, etc). We are aiming to take up to 2 weeks on Stage A, and up to 1 week per stage from Stage B onwards.

:world_map: Not getting lost! :world_map:

Anyone can join - here’s how! Set this thread to “watching” so that you receive alerts!

If you’re joining the party, we can expect among members there will be injuries (ill health) and detours (holidays and life overwhelm) along the way. To keep it fun, moving forward, and to keep that from putting anyone off committing to joining the group, here is how we handle this.

At the start of each stage there is a poll to join, these are recorded in the next section. We’ll wait at least a week for everyone to join and vote at each decision point. But if life happens and we don’t see you, we’ll move on and hope you catch up! On the other hand, if everyone makes it early, we’ll move on right away to keep it moving as a lot of stages are short. Here are the steps:

  1. Stage start poll: mark yourself reading along (links in next section)
  2. Read on from the chosen scene until you reach the next decision point or a ゲームオーバー. If it’s a ゲームオーバー, then go back to the previous decision point and follow the other branch. If it’s a decision point, go to the next step.
  3. Next decision point poll: vote in the poll. Mitrac tries to create them right away but feel free to create it if you are there first!
  4. Stage finish: the earlier of either a) everyone in the active party has voted or b) a week has gone by.
  5. We declare the winning route and move on to the next stage!
  6. All decision points will be recorded in the Party Guide below.

:pushpin: Party guide :pushpin:

All decision poll links here for party members and anyone brave enough to try to catch up. Join soon and keep moving :cold_face:

Stage A - June 23

read scenes 1-4
Decision poll link
Decision: go to 7

Stage B - July 8

read scenes 7, 8
Decision poll
Decision: Go to 38

Stage C July 16

Read scenes 38, 27
Decision poll
Decision: Go to 37

Stage D July 21

Read scenes 37
Decision poll
Decision: Go to 23

Stage E July 26

Read scene 23
Decision poll
Decision: Go to 91

Stage F August 4

Read scene 91
Decision poll
Decision: Go to Stage G

Stage G Aug 7

Decision poll

Stage H August 16

Read scene 6
Decision poll
Decision: 20

Stage I August 24

Read scene 20, then 23, 67
Decision poll
Decision: 25

Stage J September 3

Read scene 25, optional 26
Decision poll
Decision: 82

Stage K September 8

Read scene 82, 21, optional 80 and 22, 51
Decision poll
Decision: 47

Stage L September 20

Read scene 47
Decision poll
Decision: 63

Stage M October 4

Read scene 63, optional 64
Decision poll
Decision: 40

Stage N October 14

Read scene 40
Decision poll
Decision: 79

Stage O October 22

Read scene 79, optional 78, 46
Decision poll
Decision: 65

Stage P October 31

Read scene 65, 54
Decision poll
Decision: 57

Stage Q November 11

Read scene 57, optional 58
Decision poll
Decision: 66

Stage R November 19

Read scene 66, 81
Decision poll
Decision: 45

Stage S Dec 4

Read scene 45, 69
Decision poll
Decision: 76

Stage T Dec 11

Read scene 76
Decision poll
Decision: 53

Stage U Dec 21

Read scene 53, 105
Decision poll
Decision: 85

Stage V Dec 30

Read scene 85, 86
Decision poll
Decision: 93

Stage W Jan 10

Read scene 93 94
Decision poll
Decision: 75

Stage X Jan 13

Read scene 75, 102 optional 74, 80
Decision poll
Decision: 83

Stage Y Jan 22

Read scene 83
Decision poll
Decision: 10

Stage Z Feb 1

Read scene 10, 107
Decision poll
Decision: fake poll - we won! Read the rest of the book from 108


:hiking_boot: :mountain_snow: Polls :mountain_snow: :hiking_boot:

Calling all adventurers!

Are you joining the party of adventurers to explore 極寒の雪山を脱出せよ :snowflake: [Escape from the cold and snowy mountains] with the club?
  • Yes! :school_satchel:
  • Maybe… :snowboarder:
  • I’m watching :eyes:
  • No way, where’s the exit, oh wait… :ice_cube:
  • Just clicking! :eagle:
0 voters

Let us know in the comments when you expect your copy to arrive :world_map:

  • Book ordered
  • Book arrived
0 voters

We will wait for party members who voted to choose this adventure. If you’re from the future or didn’t participate in that poll - you can still join!

If you join late for some reason, we will leave a guide for you to catch up and if you do, maybe we’ll even break our previous record of having a 120% members survival rate. :grin:

Which animal will be your ally?
  • Eagle :eagle:
  • Llama :llama:
  • Deer :deer:
  • Chinchilla🐭
  • Spectacled bear :bear:
0 voters
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ignore the messy table but I got my copy today!!! :partying_face:


My copy came!


Loving the pictures @soggyboy and @prath !

@Otoko68 I forgot if you have yours already?

Looks like we’re almost ready for go time!

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Yes, have received it already - ready for the snow!


Alright great, we all got books sorted faster than expected!

Calling @SpiderWeb I remember you have the book already, you ready too?

Party in position and observation deck at the ready… I’ll get the first stage set up!


Suuuuuper excited!! thank you so much @mitrac 🫶🏽

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Yeah, I have all the books except the desert one (it was sold out on cd Japan) so I’ll be ready whenever. I thought we were waiting to July to start but if it’s cold enough now I can join.

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yeah, it seems I got the timing expectations all wrong. It took me ages to get the first book in the mail, so I was expecting it would take longer for everyone to get their copies.

It sounds like everyone is ok to get started earlier, so I’ll release stage 1 then!


Ok, so I’m sorry I haven’t been as communicative. Last time it turned out to be very helpful to have set an actual start date in advance, it was a mistake not to this time, so I’ll do that next time!

I’ll start the first stage in the next post (writing it now). New adventurers shout if you have questions! I might tag you in the first week or two to make sure the party is together and understands the voting. After that, last time it seemed to run pretty smoothly and we didn’t lose anyone! In fact we gained one, so if anyone is lurking and wants to help us continue on our 120% finishers rate, please join late and catch up :wink: And for our observer members, I hope you enjoy, it’s fun to have you!!

The general idea is to join each stage by clicking on a poll, and then vote in the decision point poll when you reach it, within a week (the first stage is longer!). (I put the link at the top of the first post so it’s easy to find if there are a lot of comments) Once all votes are in - we move on. But if you need up to a week that is fine! It worked well last time and seemed like the pace allowed life happens TM events.

I’ll set up Stage A for 2 weeks but let’s see how everyone does and if we need more that’s ok. It’s 12 pages of text, whereas most stages are more like 1-3 max. So please don’t be discouraged! The scene setting is harder than the entire rest of the book. It gets way easier once we’re in the adventure. The horizontal hint text is optional (i.e., not part of the adventure story), so don’t feel bad if you read it looser as it’s also a bit tougher when it shows up now and then. I’ll set up a new vocab sheet, follow the same conventions as for the first book.

Ok, it’s coming in a moment…


Welcome to Stage A of :snowflake: :mountain_snow: 極寒の雪山 Escape :grey_exclamation: :mountain_snow: :snowflake:

It’s the darkest day of the year* and you wake up to find yourself… alone… and shivering. It dawns on you that something happened and you need to figure it out and get moving.

Read scenes :one:-:four: until you read the decision point!


Stage is open until all votes are in or until July 8th.

We expect to take 2 weeks for this stage - there are 12 pages of text up to the first decision point. Vote in this poll to show your participation. I recommend everyone reading along as default chooses the first option, as the group will move on once everyone joining live has voted in the decision poll, or latest on July 8th (or later as agreed). The second option is NOT for slower readers, it is just to signal, e.g., if as we move through the adventure, you have a holiday and you might miss voting and don’t mind the group moving on faster/earlier without you. Of course, you can still vote in the decision point!

Are you joining Stage A?
  • I’m joining live, reading along - see you at the decision point!
  • I will catch up later - don’t wait for me
  • I’m exploring solo - don’t wait for me
  • I’m watching :eyes:
0 voters

Stage A decision point

Where should we go next?
  • Go to scene 17
  • Go to scene 7
0 voters

*in the southern hemisphere, where we all are :cold_face:

next stage >>


I made a vocab sheet! Populate from Stage A.

For page numbers you just count from the first page of each scene. I kept the “page numbers” from book 1 so you can see how it works.

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I started the first section to feel some blistering cold instead of 99 degree weather I’m feeling in the real world. First the jungle, now the freezing blizzard mountains. This kid just doesn’t have good luck traveling in general, but specifically South America is out to kill

first choice

If the weathers getting worse, I feel like we’re better off staying put and finding a shelter rather than continuing. It seems like the family should be putting together a search party, it’ll just take a hot cold minute to find us. The worst thing would be getting more lost as the blizzard continues.


Yes, I agree. Voted. Finding shelter is always a good option if the weather is about to turn bad.


Here is a video to set the tone for the opening scenes.

You’ll guess this word by the end 氷河 ひょうが glacier

scenes 1-2

It looks like our backpack is well-stocked! That’s a lot more stuff than we had last time. Sounds like we’ll need all the help we can get!


We should definitely take shelter. There’s no way we’re going to find our family, and we don’t even know they’re still alive!


Definitely agree! No sense getting stuck out in a blizzard right away.

I grew up in a mountainous region where the default advice seems to always be stay put. I have a feeling that strategy won’t last long in an adventure book :wink:

@SpiderWeb your vote isn’t showing up in the decision poll, maybe have a check


I think I had forgotten to vote, I made a decision post about it but didn’t click the button.


I noticed only late that the book club had started. Thankfully with a few levels more the book feels easier to read than the previous one :wink: