風立ちぬ 😷 👩‍❤️‍👨 Book Club: starting February 8th!

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Welcome to the 風立ちぬ Book Club!

View the nomination post here!

Where to purchase

Check the links on the Natively page for the book for both digital and physical options.


Credit to @Magyarapointe for the schedule!

Title Week (up to) Start date
序曲 - up to 春, second *** section Week 1 : 15 pages 8th Feb
春, second *** section up to 風立ちぬ, fourth *** section Week 2 : 17 pages 15th Feb
風立ちぬ, fourth to ninth *** section Week 3 : 18 pages 22nd Feb
風立ちぬ, ninth *** section up to 冬, 十一月二十日 Week 4 : 16 pages 1st Mar
冬, 十一月二十日 up to 死のかげの谷, 十二月五日 Week 5 : 17 pages 8th Mar
死のかげの谷, 十二月五日 to the end Week 6 : 14 pages 15th Mar

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Will you be reading with us?
  • Yes
  • Yes, but I might start late
  • Maybe
  • No
0 voters
Which version will you be reading?
  • eBook
  • Paperback
  • Hardcover
0 voters

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Thanks for the thread! :blush:

I had already taken a peek at the schedule a few days ago (because I was worried nobody would volunteer for the book club :sweat_smile:) and had started to draft a reading schedule.

First of all, I will read a different version (this one: 風立ちぬ・美しい村 | L30?? because it contains more short stories) but I just compared it to the first page in the Amazon preview, and it is identical (my version has slightly more furigana though).

Calculating back from Bookwalker I’ve come to the conclusion that the story has ~110 pages; can somebody confirm this?
I scanned the story and found that it contains a few chapters and also lots of breaks within the chapters; some of these breaks are marked with three asterisks, and so far I’ve only focused on those. Here is a table with the rough page count for each of these chapters and sections, with a first breakdown suggestion:

Length (pages) Chapter/Section Breakdown
7 序曲
6 Week 1: 13 pages
4 ***
4 ***
1 ***
4 風立ちぬ
2 ***
1 *** Week 2: 17 pages
6 ***
4 ***
4 ***
3 *** Week 3: 18 pages
4 ***
5 ***
7 *** Week 4: 16 pages
25 Week 5: 25 pages (or split)
21 死のかげの谷 Week 6 or 7: 21 pages

What do you think? If we want to split week 5, we need to find a suitable break in that chapter (there are quite a few, but none are marked with asterisks).


Are there any breaks in the last chapter? I’m wondering if we could split 冬 in a way that we read 2/3 in week 5, followed by the remaining + beginning of 死のかげの谷 in week 6, and the rest in week 7. With ~46 pages, that would be around 15 pages per week.

As alternatives, we could also either have just split 冬 in 2 (and then last week, 死のかげの谷, would be longer) or just pick up the pace and go for 6 weeks. I’m thinking it could be a good idea to poll after week 3 to check how people are finding the pace and then decide it. What do you think?


My paper copy is the Kadokawa edition (ISBN 978-4-7584-3655-7), and in that the story proper is 101 pages (covering pages 6 to 106).

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The free Kindle version is listed as having quality issues… wonder what that means.

Also, how are historical kana spellings handled in the book? Have they been updated to the post-reform spellings?


The Kadokawa edition has had the usual modernisations (new kana spellings, new kanji forms, particles and grammar words written with kana instead of kanji, standardisation of okurigana) plus a fairly generous level of furigana (eg furigana on 一瞬, お父様, 黙る, 狭い).

Aozora seems to also have a new kana spelling text, but with fewer furigana. My guess is the free kindle edition is a lazy conversion of the Aozora text; if so it will be new spellings too.


I only flipped through it but I think there are plenty of breaks in both of the last chapters, just none with three asterisks. But it shouldn’t be a problem to break them up in various ways.

I would prefer one of those two options because I always find it a bit disruptive to read across chapters, and given we have a free week afterwards, the larger chapter at the end should not be too much of a problem.

The thing is, technically we have this rule that for short reads of 6 weeks or less, we would read the second winner directly afterwards (without running a new poll). Which makes sense as we usually have a 6 week gap between the poll and the book club start :sweat_smile:

So I’m thinking it would be good to decide up-front, but I also understand it’s difficult to decide. @pm215 According to your page count, the story is even shorter than I had envisioned - could you do me the favor and count the pages for the last two chapters? 冬 and 死のかげの谷, that is. Maybe if they are much shorter than what I calculated, that might give better insight. Thanks!


I have this version and only looked briefly at the pages, but see no issues so far (dictionary works, quality looks fine, mostly no furigana but still a couple of harder kanjis do have it). Only thing I’ve noticed is that there is no table of contents.

Ah, clear! I forgot about that one.


I assumed it could mean typos, but who knows. Thanks for checking.


I have the same edition. In the paperback, the story goes from page 141 (title page is 139) to 237.

Starting from 冬, the text change to a diary (序曲, 春, and 風立ちぬ are narration), so it’s actually pretty easy to divide. There are 11 entries in 冬, ranging from a paragraph to 3 pages or so, and 11 in 死のかげの谷

序曲 is 6 pages (and is part of the story), 春 is 14, 風立ちぬ is 36 pages, 冬 is 22, 死のかげの谷 is 20.

So for a 6 week schedule:

Title Week (up to)
序曲 - up to 春, second *** section Week 1 : 15 pages
春, second *** section up to 風立ちぬ, fourth *** section Week 2 : 17 pages
風立ちぬ, fourth to ninth *** section Week 3 : 18 pages
風立ちぬ, ninth *** section up to 冬, 十一月二十日 Week 4 : 16 pages
冬, 十一月二十日 up to 死のかげの谷, 十二月五日 Week 5 : 17 pages
死のかげの谷, 十二月五日 to the end Week 6 : 14 pages


Shorter schedule, less chapter breaks :

Title schedule
序曲+ 春 Week 1 : 20 pages
風立ちぬ - up to the sixth *** section Week 2 : 19 pages
sixth *** section to the end of 風立ちぬ Week 3 - 16 pages
Week 4: 22 pages
死のかげの谷 Week 5 : 20 pages

What do you think ?


The 6-week schedule looks amazing to me! Of course I’m a bit sad that we have breaks across chapters, but hey! The breakdown is just too nice. :blush:
For the 5-week breakdown, not sure whether this is not too fast for our newer club members, so I’m more in favor of the 6-week one, but what do the others think?


I’ve never read any kind of historical novel, so I definitely prefer the more leisurely schedule. I’m likely to read these over several days, so extra breaks (e.g. chapter break then *** break) may actually help.


Ah that’s an interesting point, thanks!

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Agree with the 6 weeks suggestion! Looking nicely balanced


Perfect, then let’s run with it :blush:

This means, if I haven’t miscalculated, that our first week will start on Feb 8th while the last week will start on March 15th, and the club will be over on March 21st. I’ll let people know in the ABC thread!


Perfect, that will mean we finish before my Japan trip :slight_smile:


And during mine! :smile: Good thing I’m going with the ebook for this one so it doesn’t matter.


Is this the novel that eventually got turned into miyazaki’s film?

The title sounds familiar.

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It’s the novel that Miyazaki cribbed occasional ideas from, yeah. Including the title. But it’s not the book of the film of the book, no.


To anyone who has the version including 美しい村, can you confirm if the story is unrelated to 風立ちぬ? Also, do you plan on reading that with a group (assuming people want to) or just on your own?