酸素 (oxygen): It was fun to get a bit of scientific trivia with my kanji this morning

The acid (酸) element (素) is oxygen. In German it’s the same as in Japanese - it’s called “Sauerstoff”, including “sauer”, the word for “sour”. The noun version is “Säure” which means both “sourness” and “acid” (which again is the same in Japanese, the same kanji is used in both words). The word “oxygenium” in Greek/Latin literally means “acid maker”. Long ago chemists thought oxygen was a defining characteristic of acids, later they found out there are also acids without oxygen like hydrochloric/muriatic/salt acid and the defining characteristic actually is hydrogen. But the name stuck.



I have just come across 窒素 which is nitrogen or “Stickstoff” in German.

And 窒 has the meaning of “plug up”, “obstruct” with 窒息 (obstruct breath) meaning “suffocation” or “Erstickung” in German.

So in Japanese and German the word for nitrogen is “suffocating element”.


I recently learned 水銀 which means mercury and mercury really does look like liquid silver. I really enjoyed learning this word :grin:


The virgin “oxygen”: :nerd_face:
The chad “Sauerstoff”: :muscle: :man_red_haired:

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