I’m sure this has been asked before, but why does WK not present self-move/other move verb pairs together? In so many cases where transitivity isn’t easily determined by one or the other (or both) verbs clearly being related to ある or する, they become my worst leeches. I feel like if they were presented together, on the same level, I would much more easily be able to form the association in my mind of which is which. My mind needs to compare and contrast to be able to really remember differences. Presenting transitivity pairs apart from each other seems detrimental to me (maybe not for everybody). I suspect that there is some reason this decision was taken, but it’s frustrating to me personally.
Is anyone willing to make a script that just lets you practice a bunch of self-move/other-move pairs together? I would figure out how to do it, but I’ve got enough going on outside of trying to learn Japanese already. I’m just throwing that out there if someone wants to have a go. Maybe something like that already exists…