老女的少女ひなたちゃん・Little Granny Girl Hinata-chan Volume 2

Reading chapter 17 this week!

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Searched a bit what does うすぱか on p. 144 mean. And it’s probably 薄馬鹿 (うすばか/dimwit) - thin/small baka, hehe.
The names of 咲夜/美夜 so close! On one hand it’s nice but on the other it could be sooo irritating. I wonder how they gonna explain it to other people if Hinata will be constantly calling her as 美夜.


This week’s reading has taken a slightly darker turn. Interested to see where it goes.

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Reading chapter 18 this week!

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Umm - so I misread the table of contents, and thought that there was a chapter 19 in this volume, but it’s just a 4 page omake. And yes I did make up the number of pages for the last “chapter” as I was trying not to spoiler myself. So essentially the book finishes this week. Which may affect voting re schedule for next volume?


I still have no preference, but I suggest waiting for everyone who need it.


Well it’s kind of finished, but…

Reading the おまけ this week!

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I’m planning to post the volume 3 thread around 7/9 or just before.


How did people find volume 2?

Chapter 11 - Hinata biking to her house from her time as Toyo was one of my favourite chapters. I was also a fan of her attempts to “just ask normal” in the next chapter :slight_smile: And her encounter with her old friend. Chapter 16 had the appearance of Volume 1 cover art Hinata when she went cleaning, a trend this series seems to have of the cover art jumping the gun a little. And it does a lot of work to set up some mysteries for the next volume.


It’s so funny that the parents would be worried about the 夜泣き, it sounds like a parent’s dream hahaha.

This volume was pretty chill as well


I think moments when there is some plot are the best: when she’s looking for her grandson, meets her old friend, 美夜’s story). Other chapters are also nice and clean. The chapter about New Years’掃除 is good for times when I need to clean irl and I don’t want too, haha. And I like episodes with her brother too. He seems cool to all her antics.


Yeah, I’m finding it quite sweet, with enough plot moving forward to make it a little interesting.


Ok I’m all caught up


I’m excited to see more about miya and was that hinata’s grandson she passed by omg

Screenshot 2024-09-01 223951
Excellent entrance

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A little guy

Also I kind of thought they would be in nursery forever but I like that they had them graduate, I’m looking forward to seeing how they get on at school! Definitely want to read more I have to know what happens next :clap: