特質 and the meaning of "quality"

Hello there.

This vocab: 特質 meaning characteristic, or trait, does accept “quality” as correct meaning (it’s not mentioned in the meanings description). And while I know that it’s technically correct (refering to a certain quality of a thing) I think that it may be a bit misleading when learning the meaning of this word.

Since it refers to certain special properties something has, one (me for example) may see this word, not remember it quite well and see the quality kanji and think “hm maybe it means something like quality?” and it’s accepted as correct. But I was thinking “quality” in the sense of “high quality” “low quality”, and that is obviously wrong.

So I don’t know what you think about it, but I think, though it may be technically correct, for the sense of clarity should this not be removed as a default acecpted meaning? There is always the possibility of adding it back as a user synonym, right?

What do you think?

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@Mods perhaps have a look at this. Like an ambiguity warning or making it clear that is it a quality not just quality generally.

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Thanks for tagging us! I’ll share it with the team to see what their thoughts are.

Hey Dsingis! I just wanted to give you an update on your suggestion!

特質 (24) - Moved “quality” to the warning list.

Thanks again for bringing this up to us!

-Nick at WK