可愛いだけじゃない式守さん・ Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie ❤️‍🩹 Week 12 Discussion Thread (Absolute Beginners Book Club)

Welcome to Week 12 of the Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie book club!

We are reading as part of the Absolute Beginner Book Club!


Week 12 March 02 2024
Pages 131-141
Chapter おまけ
Previous Week Week 11
Home Thread 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん・ Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie


可愛いだけじゃない式守さ Volume 1 Vocabulary List - Google Sheets

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Another book finished, hooray! Hope everyone enjoyed the journey.

As for the omake, I like curly hair so it always makes me sad when characters in media hide it. I want to see curly hair Shikimori!


I don’t think her hair is curly, just unruly.

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Lol now I’ll have to check if I misread it. She was making a big fuss about it being rainy and humid, which would make sense if it’s at least frizzy/not perfectly straight.

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My understanding was that it’s frizzy because of the humidity.

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Is this not curly hair? There’s even a picture of how it looks in the morning?

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Here are a few places I've encountered くせっ毛, to give an idea of its usage:


In this scene, I think Satsuki’s hair likely くせっ毛 because it’s so short, the result being that its difficult to keep combed in place.


Syaro is being complimented on her rich person-like curly hair, and she’s think how her hair is just クセ毛.


In this later scene, after being out in the rain, Syaro’s friend is drying her hair so it doesn’t become 癖…


…with limited success.


A classmate comments on Hitsuji looking like she’s wearing a 着ぐるみ, a running joke she plays along with, then she comments that that’s her actual hair, it’s just クセ毛.


I’m not sure of what Izumi says in the first pannel : Is he saying that his hair are greasy ?
(I’m not sure because he doesn’t look like he’s knowing what’s he saying, considering the reaction of Shikimorisan, but it’s part of the character after all :sweat_smile:)


Well, they are talking about how Izumi makes his hair look so nice.
In the previous panel, Shikimori asked what Shampoo he uses, to which he replied that he uses the cheapest one he can find.

Because of that Shikimori asked “Okay, but what sort of thing do you put on it”, because there’s bound to be something, and he replies “I don’t use anything, don’t those make your hair greasy?


Ok, I understand wayyy better the silence which follows, thanks ! :smile:
Seems I didn’t understand what あれ was refering to. It happens a lot to me that I don’t guess what is the subject in japanese when it’s not specified in the sentence. I have to work on that.

Well, reading officially finished :partying_face:
Thank a lot everyone for this collective reading, it was a lot of fun, and I learned a looot ! :blush:
(I will keep on reading the series, I think)


And another book finished. Thanks to Gorbit for hosting, and everyone for asking and answering questions! It was a very cute read, nice to see how the story evolved as we got near the end. I might pick up part 2 somewhere down the road


Me too. It was fun, and I think it’d be nice to follow the same series now that I’m used to the specific writing style and such.