Yay finished the first chapter! (So still have the second one to go for this week)
Was really happy to see that I could read the book without doing any lookups and get what happens, most of the unknown words I can infer the meaning either from the kanji or simply from the context.
I did that for the first 7 pages and then went back and now I’m reading with looking things up and filling the vocabulary sheet when I do. Super happy to see that my knowledge of kanji checks out and most of the times I know the readings! For when I don’t, KanKan is super handy.
Actually what I had the most trouble with so far is katakana >.< デラックスツイン, ベルキャプテン, ハウスキーピング, デリケート… :o
It does take me quite a bit of time though, I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up with the pace of the club. Maybe I will as my stamina builts up, and I get fast at looking things up, and maybe there is more unknown vocabulary as the book goes on… we’ll see. Oh well it doesn’t matter too much I guess, the threads will still be there when I get there to comment
Story comments Chapter 1
“We picked you (Naomi) because you are female and having two men at the welcome counter would look strange”
What? Did I understand that right? So weird, I never think about employees gender if I go to a hotel (or another place).
The part when she wanted to make him train his walking was a bit funny. It’s funny how you can be super good at something (he’s probably a great cop) and then be made to do something that is not your thing at all and look completely ridiculous. That’s always what I tell myself if I see someone struggling with something, I imagine that there’s something else that they are probably great at. I feel like it’s a pity when people forget that the other way around, and because they are expert on one thing, then they also use this influence to give their opinion on another thing, that really they know nothing about. Wow I’m really disgressing far away from the book’s story, sorry xD
So, back to the point. I don’t get why he’s not taking the advice, a better cover surely would mean better chances to stop the killer. Well basically just like Naomi tells him afterwards.