ホリミヤ ・ Horimiya 🎀 👓 Week 6 Discussion Thread (Absolute Beginner Book Club)

Thank you <3

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Oof. This week feels like a huge step up in difficulty and length. I’m starting a new job so this may be the week I just fall behind.


結構有名 is “quite famous”. I believe she’s saying it in disbelief that Hori wouldn’t know it.

見え見え is “obvious”.


It’s okay to take your time on things. It is a lot more at once, but if you just break it down into chunks, you’ll be surprised at how far you can get.


Yeah, page disparities can be quite annoying to deal with for sure. Though, I would hope if something starts earlier, it also ends earlier, or else there would be extra content somewhere if it ended up matching or surpassing the digital somewhere. :wink:

It is just consistently 2 pages fewer than the digital version, but it’s probably easiest just to go by the end panel. :grin:

Taking it in manageable portions always helps, but also keep in mind that while this week is a bit longer, it is also the longest week of the entire volume. If you do fall a little bit behind, next week is a shorter week and could give you the opportunity to catch up, but also, if you make it through this week, you can rest assured that every week hereafter will be shorter.

Since this is vague enough, I won’t drop it under a spoiler tag necessarily, but one thing that might help you feel better when translating と as a conditional statement, is that と isn’t strictly “if, then” as a conditional.

It can also be “when A, B” to indicate things that always happen, and I feel like that fits better in this situation. Some additional reading for you here. The section that mentions what I refer to is “と for things that always happen.”

Page 48

Starbucks! Go to Starbucks and buying a cold drink is a luxury

What grammar is 買お?

Already turn into half a corpse

そういえば 堀さんも今日はみんなと涼んで帰るのかな
By the way, today Hori-san also return home to cool off with everyone

As expected, because she is a popular

Even now to be able to talk to her is wonderful

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買おう, volitional form, basically “want to do X”

Here 贅沢に買う is meant to be “to splurge”, since it’s 贅沢に, buying excessively

English has a similar word for this, “half-dead”

Here I’m pretty sure the て form is trying to indicate the order of events or something, though I’m not sure what the exact meaning of this sentence is.

Pg. 48

It’s definitely a sentence where you have to read the subtext. The 涼んで帰る is referring to how they all wanted to go get the ice cream at that shop.

I think I would rephrase the sentence a bit from how @sliceolif3 phrased it, though, as it ends in かな:

“Ah, speaking of/that reminds me(referring to the heat that has him feeling like death), I wonder if Hori-san went with everyone to cool down before going home.”

The background text is supposed act as the reminder of what the “cooling off” entails:



That I think I got, it’s just odd, that they pull the going home thing into that sentence, it just feels like it doesn’t belong quite there. Deepl couldn’t quite make sense of it either, so at the very least I’m not alone

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I like to treat で as a context indicator particle, so if you break it down:

そういえば / 堀さん[も]今日はみんなと / [涼んで]帰る / のかな。。。
That reminds me / Hori-san [is still (because he heard it in the classroom earlier)], today, together with everyone / [in the context of cooling down] will return home / i think, right…?
“That reminds me, Hori-san is going to get ice-cream with everyone (on her way home), right?”

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I personally think 不思議 here isn’t ‘wonderful’, it’s ‘mysterious’. But I think you could read it either way?

“Even now, [her speaking to me] is a mystery” or “I’m still not sure why she is speaking with me up until now” or something along those lines. (I feel like this is one of those cases where it’s easier to convey some stuff in Japanese than English, namely Miyamura’s sort of like ‘but it’s nice tho’ vibe)


I don’t think that’s a で particle, that’s just the て form of 涼む.

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Oh, then I guess it would just be “cooling down + going home”. I dunno though, in my head whenever you use a て form to connect two verbs it tends to imply some kind of linkage between the two…


Why is Yuuna the only person to object at a strange man taking Souta out of preschool? I mean, perhaps Miyamura was added to the list of approved picker-upperers offscreen sometime, but this scene feels to me like he was just passing the preschool by pure chance.

Also not overjoyed at Miyamura perpetuating the ol’ gender stereotypes. “Hey kid, you’re a girl, so you have to act cute! You’d be much prettier if you smiled!”

Unrelated to anything much, but: The Yen Press translation has rendered Hori’s 弟の世話 on the first page of the reading as “My brother’s keeper!” In Genesis chapter 4, God rocks up to Cain and goes “Hey Cain, where’s Abel?”, to which Cain, having just come from murdering Abel, replies “I dunno. Am I my brother’s keeper?”, and that’s the connotation that that particular phrasing has carried in my mind ever since. Which is to say, fratricide. Is this a common thing among English speakers raised within shouting distance of Christianity, or is it just me? :slightly_smiling_face:


No, if I hear that phrase, I also immediately think of Genesis. Like, I’m aware it’s technically perfectly fine as a phrase on its own, but it’s the same instant association.

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I also thought about it, I think we live in a darker world than the one they live in :skull:

Yep… thought that too.

Truly this is the darkest timeline

page 49

Although you’re a boy you’re crying

What grammar is ないてんじゃない? And because the negative ending, I think it should be although you’re a boy you’re not crying, but this does not make sense

Souta is an idiot


I can’t get this since it’s full of hiragana :skull:

Look, you cried like that again

What is まる?

That is why you’re weak

If you ask for your sister’s help again

That will makes you being called “siscon”

Bullying… That’s a little wrong


The first たっ is a false start on たたく - sort of a stutter. もん is a variation on this もの.



Thank you, couldn’t figure out the word since I don’t know it yet and it’s written in Hiragana haha
So it would translate to “Because you hit me”, and “You cried and crouched again” right?


Well, there’s no crying in this sentence. “See, there you go again, cowering like that.”