🏃‍♂️ ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Book Club 戦闘潮流 第3:柱の男・サンタナ・The Pillar Man - Santana 🏃‍♂️

柱の男・サンタナ The Pillar Man - Santana

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Each week, the first post about the week’s reading will be linked in the schedule. The first link will always be this thread’s first post.

Date # Chapter Title (original・bunko)
2024.12.30 9 (53) “柱の男” 蘇生実験・「柱の男」
2025.01.06 10 (54) “柱の男” 対石仮面の男・「柱の男・サンタナ」その1
2025.01.13 11 (55) 砂漠の追尾者・「柱の男・サンタナ」その2
2025.01.20 12 (56) 消えたサンタナ・「柱の男・サンタナ」その3
2025.01.27 13 (57) JoJo VS.究極生物・「柱の男・サンタナ」その4
2025.02.03 14 (58) 究極生物に波紋!・「柱の男・サンタナ」その5
2025.02.10 15 (59) 完璧なる作戦ッ!!・「柱の男・サンタナ」その6
2025.02.17 16 (60) シュトロハイムの覚悟・「柱の男・サンタナ」その7
2025.02.24 17 (61) 誇り高き男の最後!・「柱の男・サンタナ」その8
2025.03.03 18 (62) スパゲッティーの戦い・「柱の男・サンタナ」その9

Hey, a new song ref for the first time in a while


Vocab SRS Vol 6(Renshuu.org)

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CW: off-camera attempted suicide and you can assume that a chapter may or may not have nazis from here on out for Part 2

Chapter 9 (53): 柱の男 蘇生実験・「柱の男)」Questions
  1. What are Stroheim and company up to?
  2. What does he want to do to Speedwagon?
  3. What does Stroheim propose to the people in the cage?
  4. What do they do and what happens to them?
  5. What does Stroheim say about their choices/actions?
  6. What do the bandits say they’ll do to Joseph and why?
  7. What does Joseph do or is implied to do?

Huh, I thought I posted this already

So the aizouban has Joseph’s character sheet right before the next chapter. I went ahead and put its content on the vocab sheet. I know it should be in the tankos somewhere and I’m not 100% sure about the bunkos, but I think it’s in those too.

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Chapter 10 (54) “柱の男” 対石仮面の男・「柱の男・サンタナ」その1Questions
  1. What does the way Stroheim speaks to Speedwagon show about how he feels about Speedwagon and their relationship?
  2. What is Stroheim’s opinion of Santana? What relationship does he see himself to Santana?
  3. What is the experiment they preform and what are the conditions of it?
  4. How does the experiment go specifically?
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Chapter 11 (55) 砂漠の追尾者・「柱の男・サンタナ」その2 Questions
  1. What does the map tell us about Joseph’s location, where Santana was found, where Speedwagon was found, and the building where those two are now?
  2. What does the man in the desert think of Joseph? Why does he think he’ll win?
  3. What’s Joseph’s tone with the man? What lines or word choice make you believe so?
  4. Why does everyone freak out at the end of the chapter?
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CW: sexual abuse/exploitation

Chapter 12 (56) 消えたサンタナ・「柱の男・サンタナ」その3Questions
  1. When will Joseph tell Erina that Speedwagon is alive?
  2. What do the nazis want from the women? (Please use speech appropriate the platform where these questions are)
  3. Why do the women come to this place?
  4. How does Joseph’s speech contribute to his disguise?
  5. Why is everyone freaked out?
  6. What frightens or impresses Speedwagon the most?
Personal thoughts on this chapter

I love that even though this came out in the 80s, Joseph is shown crying out of happiness. Like in not just Western, but in Japanese media too, I think there are a lot of expectations of what it means to be manly and Joseph is allowed to be both a physical ideal and also is able to experience and express emotions beyond anger and typical happiness.

And with that, the questions are back on time!

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Answers chapter 56
  1. When he saves him from the ナチス
  2. レロレロレロレロレロ
  3. They want to work as maids to support their families. As a sidenote, the size difference here is hilarious
  4. He’s using あたし, elongated sentence endings and formal-ish speech (not that it matters, being the hulking heck of a man he is)
  5. Santana did a disappearing act and they forgot to ask for his Venmo to compensate him
  6. The fact that Santana can transform his body at will (I did kinda miss him in this role of overexplaining the current situation lol)
    This image of him being scared with the nazis is pretty funny too
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Lmao, venmo.

Nice work :ok_hand:

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CW: major body horror

Chapter 13 (57) JoJo VS.究極生物・「柱の男・サンタナ」その4Questions
  1. Can you sum up what each character (Speedwagon, Stroheim, JoJo) is concerned about in a few words? (how about under five for a challenge)
  2. What comparisons does Stroheim make regarding Santana?
  3. Why is Santana’s speech in katakana?
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  1. Speedwagon: Santana outside = Bad
    Stroheim: Santana under control = promotion
    Josefu: Santana Bleh. Speedwagon safe = Erina happy.
  2. He says he’s like a monke, simply copying their actions or words but not actually understanding them. Then he forms a cohesive sentence and our amazing Speedwagon is back with the exposition that he actually smart.
  3. I think they do that usually because of a strong accent, which would make sense since he is just now learning to speak the language whilst originally speaking some sort of american language (a bit envious of him right now, not gonna lie)

My apologies! I was crazy busy today and will try to work on the next chapter and reply tomorrow. Sorry Fyrember!!

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