カードキャプターさくら・Card Captor Sakura Book Club 🌸 Home Thread — Starting September 7th

Welcome to the club :older_man:t2:

I got curious as to how the original monthly manga magazine release compared in size with the volume release.

Single panel comparison from volume 2.

(Open images in new tabs to better compare.)

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Oh no! I was considering picking up a hard copy because the ebook edition I have (bookwalker) has pretty small/faint furigana (zooming in just makes it blurrier for the most part) and I was hoping maybe the print edition would be sharper.


You’re not alone. I had a hard time reading furigana in some other manga (not CCS). I find that even on the ebooks, I need to pinch and zoom in before I can make it out but hey! At least that’s an option :see_no_evil:

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Let’s do it! Are you going to follow the club’s schedule?


no i think i understand,


Hi there!

I participated in the Tamamo no Koi thread for the first time, and I have to say that having a different forum page for each week made it very organized :clap: . Also, the Excel sheets with vocabulary were very helpful. Is that how book clubs are always organized? Cause that would be great


Yeah, it is, and the same will happen here :slight_smile:


Yeah! I hope I can remember to stick to it ahaha


I hope Im not too late to join the fun! This will be my first time reading a full manga. I read spurts and a few chapters here and there of various manga, so this will be my first time really buckling down and reading a full story (with a group, awesome!) I have a CCS phone case, I might as well finally read the story haha. Hi everyone, Im really looking forward to reading with you all! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


:confetti_ball: great! I’m so excited already :grimacing:


This feels like the perfect first native content to read for me! I’m slowly working my way through the easy stories on Satori Reader, but it definitely doesn’t give the same experience as a story where you don’t have automatic vocab and grammar lookups. Plus, this story looks super cute and reminds me of the Pokemon manga I used to read as a kid!

… Maybe this will also help me get used to the WaniKani forums. This is my first post, and I still feel a little nervous :see_no_evil:


Welcome to the forums! When I was around that level, I found spending some of my time on manga and some of my time on Satori to be really useful, because they’re super different styles of reading.


I cannot even read some of the Kanjis, to the point that at some page the 聞 kanji looked so much like a blurry mess of ink that I thought it was a misprint, but phone/camera in hand with some zoom applied it was perfectly readable. I guess I am going blind ¯\(ツ)

The furigana in here is almost impossible to read for me, too small, and stressing my eyes to get it gives me a headache. I guess I will have to get a magnifying glass.

Note: In the paperback, even though it is unreadable for my eyes the print is very well defined. If you use a magnifying glass (or have good sight) it is perfectly readable.


I’m not sure if other people can read it but I can’t hehe. Someone in the forums once gave the tip of using your mobile phone’s magnifying glass app - it’s pretty useful!


I dropped out of ruri, horimiya and the magical girlfriend one. Let’s try again ! I have been doing much less SRS these last few months and spent more time reading.


with the schedule, is each week the week we start reading or end reading?

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There’s a certain amount of choosing your own pace involved - the dates in the schedule are the dates the thread is posted to discuss those pages. Some people do all their reading the day the thread comes out, some people read in advance as suits their schedule and just check in on the thread as it comes out, and others still read over the week after the thread comes out.


Well guess what, this time the japanese bookstore had the book available ! Sweet !


I just got myself the Bookwalker app version. I’m not really confident I’ll be able to understand much. But I’ll try at least for a while.


Same here! You definitely aren’t alone.

Will I be able to ‘successfully’ read the whole manga and pick up all the grammar and vocab? Unlikely. However I am still going to give it a shot and whatever I do learn along the way will be a win and it will leave me in a better place than when I started.

So lets give it our best shot :slight_smile: