💧⚆ _ ⚆ Corian's Study Log ✨

_week 9

Week 9 - 9/02/23

Wanikani Level: 12
Minna no Nihongo Chapter: 17 / 25
よつばと! Vol 1: 206 → 224 / 224

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week 9
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officially signed into maintenance mode and it’s not looking good. i fully am in the midst of crashing and burning but i’m going to try to salvage it this week. i mean it’s tuesday and i haven’t done WK since saturday and maybe, just maybe, i can get back in the swing of things. i also have delayed posting this for a couple days now because i’m becoming so detached from my japanese studying.

also don’t have much to say? i haven’t cleared out my WK reviews for like 5 days now, they’ve slowly been piling up more and more. i should finish level 12 this week if i can bang out the reviews today and tomorrow though. i’ve noticed my immersion levels are down and i’m not “thinking” much in japanese because of it so i feel like that’s definitely hindering retention. i’m going to try and get through the mid MnN test/review thing because i had started it with the particles and got so many wrong that i haven’t made any progress since. maybe that hurdle, along with a new game I’ve been playing, along with the season change, paired with throwing all my good habits out the window in lieu of bad ones have just stockpiled up. :clown_face: :person_shrugging:

i did finish the first volume of よつばと which is fun. it’s a cute read, not something i honestly would read if i was fluent in the language though but the illiterate can’t be choosers i suppose. lol. i think I’m going to start with vol 2 this week since it’s not has cumbersome as a full length book and there are some visual cues which are nice.

i finally started using my daily planner again so there is hope. I’m going to actually read some of my first entries i wrote here to help me get re-inspired about everything.

have a great week everyone :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

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