💧⚆ _ ⚆ Corian's Study Log ✨


Week 1 - 7/8/23

Minna no Nihongo Chapter: 6 → 8 / 25
ルルとララのスイートポテト: 12 → 32 / 71
Wanikani → Wanikani
Podcasts → 3

I FINALLY got down to 0 reviews from ~1300. Took a big leap and powered through 500 yesterday and did ~250 today. Really want to get my apprentice levels down out of the 300s. I guess I’ll start my lessons up again tomorrow now that I have a handle on my reviews.

Broke down my textbook lessons, figure if I can get through 2 chapters a week then I can finish by the end of August. If I commit 2 hours a day, I technically can do 4 a week if they take about 2 hours per chapter. So as long as I’m consistent, I should easily be able to complete MnN in August! :slight_smile:

I can ever so slightly tell that my reading is connecting better in my brain by a little. It’s definitely helping the vocab (and grammar) retention which I’m terrible at in general.

Podcasts are always on when I go for walks. Episodes are usually around 30 mins and conversational so sometimes I know a little of what they’re talking about and sometimes I just get a word stuck in my head and look it up as I’m walking.

Might switch to Anki for vocab cards since they’re more detailed. Just not sure which versions to get for each level :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Other than that, I don’t know what else to update on. I am trying to self-learn coding as well… not sure if I should add that to this as a little separate category just so I have a place to log it. Using The Odin Project and freeCodeCamp for reference… and Drawabox is on my learning list too for me to refresh my art ability. A 180 life flip is overwhelming and let’s hope I don’t burn out! :innocent:

** edit: just bought the Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar on impulse and might just read it front to back