結婚しても恋してる: Week 7 Discussion

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結婚しても恋してる home thread

Week 7

Start date: September 28th
Previous Thread: Week 6
Next Thread: Week 8


Week Pages Chapters
Week 7 10 新ネタ [1], 凍てつく波動 [1], 正月ポケ [1], 君のぬくもり [2] (End of Ch 5), 本命はずっと [5] (End of Ch 6)

Vocabulary List

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Did… did he legitimately forget it was Valentines’ Day?

Also, it took me an embarassingly long time to work out what ちあきと was supposed to mean…


Seems like it… Probably not as big a deal for a guy to forget Valentine’s in Japan, though.

I haven’t yet figured out what it’s supposed to mean…

1 Like

ちあき is the daughter’s name.


This phrase which was a story title on page 77, came up again on page 79:


有無 is a strange word with several meanings including “existence or non existence” and “consent or refusal”

言わす is also a trickier word meaning “to make someone say” or “to let someone say”

So the phrase means something like “a smile that won’t let you say yes or no” - which I’m guessing means “a smile you have to say yes to”

I love the way she mimics her mum from the previous page!

Also how would you translate 出たっ in the same panel on page 79? Thanks!


It has appeared!

It’s just 出る in past tense with a glottal stop to make it more punchy.


Via this Japanese page I found via a Google search for 「有無を言わさないとは」 (meaning I’ve got a result here that I can only struggle my way through, since it’s all in Japanese):

My best translation:

The next line says:

I translate this as:

Example: See last week’s hug.


On the second page in this week’s reading, the title contains 波動(はどう). Not knowing this word, I put together the meaning of the individual kanji, and was able to get a sense for the meaning. But more importantly, I realized this is the first two-thirds of Ryu and Ken’s chi attack in Street Fighter, the 波動拳(はどうけん). (Although WaniKani won’t teach mean (けん) until level 41.)

(おも)くるしい is one of those new words (for me) that had me wondering on the meaning until I looked it up, and then suddenly it was obvious that it combines combines おもい and くるしい.

I notice that Mr. Roomba is called ルンバ先輩(せんぱい) here. Thus I feel it is not only my duty, but my obligation, to (continue to) call him Mr. Roomba from here on out. (I may get lazy and romanize as Mr. Rumba.) It’s not intended as an insult, it’s just what I remember him by most =D (Although from Shingo, it may be intended as an insult.)

If I were writing a “big book of uses of ()” series, I think I’d be up to volume 7 when adding ()使(つか)う. It actually has the same meaning of ()(つか)う (same pronunciation) that I encountered when reading volume 1 of ごちうさ last year. I actually remember that as one of the words I always got wrong when I was still doing my Anki deck on the volume. Maybe this is the magical time I’ll start to remember the Japanese, as I know 使(つか)う.

強風(きょうふう) was another word I didn’t know, but was able to piece together to get the meaning. I kind of wish there was no furigana so I could figure out the pronunciation on my own. (But don’t tell furigana I said that. I’m only a level 12 scrub who can’t get by without furigana yet!)


New week is here \o/ Week 8


Page 81

What happens at the end of the page?

This plot of the page is I think

The title is “New Year Fool”.
Their boss I angry because of the mistake/s (ミス) in Saitou’s work.
They apologise humbly but the scolding (大目玉) continues.
Shingo didn’t make the mistake but he is in trouble as well as he is her boss.
The boss asks if they have anything to say.
Saitou stumbles - “um, firstly…”
The boss isn’t happy with this and shouts “What?”

Now there are two bubbles. One says “あけまぢておめで” which is part of a longer phrase meaning “happy new year” - “あけましておめでとうございます”.

The other says “おい やめる” - which is either “hey, I quit” or “hey, quit it”

I think what happened is he started to cheekily say “Happy New Year” out loud, but then thought better of it and tells himself “hey, don’t do that”.

But it’s too late, he’s already said it. And the result is “大目玉をくらう時間が延長した” - the duration of the scolding was extended!


She says “Happy New Year”. What’s happening is a manzai routine - the chest-slap he’s executing in the final panel is the classic archetype. He’s the tsukkomi (straight guy) and she’s the boke (funny guy).


Thanks, I wouldn’t have got the manzai references at all!

All finished for this week (which is actually last week) and pleased to have learned the difference between 義理チョコ and 本命チョコ. I’m not sure if Mrs Micki will be too keen for me to introduce this Japanese custom at home though…

Last questions for this week - page 87. What is Shingo given in the top right panel, and what does the person in the white coat say to him in the third panel - picture below:




As far as I understand, Shingo is receiving tissues that have ads in the packaging (I believe this is a common advertisement technique in Japan, or at least I have seen references to it several times).

I’m not completely sure about the kanji in the top panel, but I believe it is “無利息” (no interest). This probably refers to a store that lets you pay in installments with no interest or something like that.

In the third panel, the person is saying:

おなしゃーす! This is a very slang-y abbreviation of おねがいします (can’t blame the guy for shortening the phrase if he’s been saying that all day while handing out tickets).

新しいスポーツジムの割引券でーす => Discount ticket for a new sports gym.


That’s really helpful thanks! Never heard of handing out packets of tissues with adverts on. Now I understand why his bag is bulging with tissues later on!


It’s less of a slangy abbreviation and more of the usual sort of slurring that happens when you’ve said a word so many times you’ve forgotten what it means.
おねがいします > おんがいしあす > おなしゃす


Just out of curiosity… if 有無を言わさない means “To impose something of your own desire/convenience without listening to the other party’s opinions/thoughts/etc", then what does it mean when you add the word スマイル to it? Does that take us back to Micki’s translation of “a smile you have to say yes to”? Just curious, that’s all.


I don’t have the material in front of me to confirm, but I believe the expression is being used as an adjective for “smile”. Thus I take it to mean the smile is basically saying " I got all I needed, regardless of what you want, and that’s that."


Ah, I see, thank you! :+1:

Page 82

雪の降りそうな寒い日の終電の待ち時間は いつも以上に 家が恋しい

Okay, so we have a pile of stuff before the は here… a long topic!

雪の - snow’s
降りそう - looks like falling? (not sure about this one)
な - linking to the next bit??
寒い日の - cold day’s
終電の - last train’s
待ち - wait
時間 - time
は - topic particle!
いつも - always
以上に - more than (?)
家が - home + identifier particle
恋しい - long for (same as title of book)

“I always (more than = very much) long for home when waiting for the last train on a cold day when it looks/feels like it’s going to snow”.

On the right track?

Page 83

Let me check that I’ve got this right…

After another 12-hour shift at the office Shingo gets home and the wife gets up to make him a cup of something (can’t read the kanji for that one) and he notices that she is wearing new fluffy pajamas, and that she’s nice and warm after sitting under the kotatsu, so much so that in the middle of winter she even has bare legs. Overcome with I know-not-what, he touches her leg and she screams that his hands are cold…

… my difficult is with the last line… 今年も妻が可愛くてズルイ…

… “again this year my wife is cute but mean” - is that right?

Page 86

Just checking…

今日一日 - “all day today”
もらえるものは - “the things (you) receive”
もらってきてね - “please receive and bring (home) yeah”
絶対にお断りしちゃダメだよ - “definitely do not refuse (anything) yeah”

Oh, I see… the tissues on the next page! LOL! That is funny!

Page 87

そんなもんより - I can’t figure this one out at all. “this thing more than”??? Any help much appreciated!

Page 90


毎年必ず - every year without fail
チョコを - chocolate + を
くれる - to give / to be given (does this modify “wife”)
妻を - wife + を
僕は - I + は
大切に - this means “love, adore, treasure” in this context, right?
しなくちゃいけない - must

“I must love the wife who beats me round the face gives me chocolate every year without fail”

Phew, just finished this chapter! Thanks to everyone who worked on the wordlist (so useful!) and who contributed to this thread! And any help with my questions much appreciated! Thank you!


When you add the そう to the stem of 降る it then behaves like a na adjective. So it modifies the next part of the phrase (cold day). So you are right, it’s a “cold day where is seems like it’s going to snow”.

I got the sense of “more than-ly” or “very” for 以上に so I’d agree with your translation - “I always very much long for home…”

I’d also go for - “more than that thing”, or in English we’d probably just say “anyway…”

I think I’d go for treasure rather than love.

I thought your other translations looked fine. Glad you decided to carry on with the book!