灯台もと暗し [Proverb]

I get it.
I googled it, too.
I just feel that there is an English expression that is very similar and I can’t think of one.
I’m not looking for a literal translation.
Any ideas?

Its hard to see what is under your nose?

Is that what you’re looking for?

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jmdict says

it is darkest under the lamp post
it’s hard to see what is under your nose
go abroad to hear of home
you must go into the country to hear
what news at London

something like that?


Thanks. I came across those, too.

I thought there was some expression like the darkest place is under the spotlight or something like that.

There’s this saying in English:

Similar in meaning to「 灯台もと暗し」 in that it’s implying that sometimes the hardest thing to see is what’s right in front of you


Not bad. Thanks.

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www.Kotowaza-allguide.com is what I usually use, they have an English example section as you can see here.

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can’t see forest for the trees, perhaps?

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Nice resource. Thanks! :smile:

Couldn’t find the first one I checked, though.


It’s right here: 「案ずるより産むが易し」の解説 - 故事ことわざ辞典

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And so it is. Thank you.
I need to be more flexible with my searches. Google has made me lazy.

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