時をかける少女 Home Thread (Beginner Book Club)

Hey guys! I just arrived here and for a few days I’ve been wondering if I should stop the lurk for a while. So lets give it a chance! I am way to late to join, but I want to know which version would you recommend me to buy? I saw there are two versions Tsubasa Bunko version (The one in this post) and Kadokawa Bunko version (which has two covers). I found both in CDjapan, one is cheaper than the other, but is there any difference between both?

Aesthetically speaking I would prefer the Kadokawa Bunko version (the orangy cover), but that’s just some picky side of mine. Sorry If I am bothering D: never really wrote here in wanikani community, I just lurk ;v;



The main difference between the two books is that the Tsubasa Bunko edition (the one with the green border) has full furigana on everything, whereas the Kadokawa Bunko edition has limited furigana.

Both editions also have short stories after the main story, and I believe those are different from each other. That doesn’t really affect your reading of 時をかける少女 itself though.

So basically it comes down to whether or not you want full furigana :+1: I myself am a sucker for attractive covers though, so I wouldn’t blame you if that strongly factored into the decision :wink:


I wonder if someone with both versions would verify this? I am a big fan of this series and would like to know every bit of the story.

Thank you so much for the reply, guess I’ll get the Kadokawa Bunko version and hope to participate in future readings!

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I don’t think any of the short stories actually relate to the main book, but hopefully someone who has read them can verify that for you.


The one in the no-furigana version are unrelated (and fairly boring). There’s technically an afterword from the editor, but I haven’t read it.

I’m 99.9% sure the extra stories in the furigana version are also unrelated.


From the illustrations, one of them appears to be about a domestic cow :cow:

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Oh! Is that so? In that case I will not pay much attention to that lol. Thanks for the reply <3

That’s funny tho, what haha


I have both versions.
Kadokawa Bunko version has two short stories: 悪夢の真相 and 果てしなき多元宇宙.
Tsubasa Bunko version has three much shorter stories: 時の女神, 姉弟 and きつね, but also has an afterword called 解説 by 斉藤栄美, which seems to be about 時をかける少女 itself. I haven’t read it yet because we still have to finish the two last chapters, so I don’t know what it is about.

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There’s one in the Kadokawa Bunko edition as well, from 江藤茂博.

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It’s literally a rather surreal picture of a cow sitting in what looks like a living room :joy: I can tell you nothing more about it…


Really? I can’t find it in my Kindle version… Maybe it’s only in the paper version?

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A week or two from the end and I’m glad that we didn’t vote to speed up. I’m a bit sick of reading the same book for… two and a half months?!, and I’m definitely faster now, but it’s easy for unexpected life things to come up and set you back. It’s nice to feel like catching up is doable.


Well, maybe? It starts on page 231 for me; I don’t know if that transfers well to the kindle version.

The fact that we managed to retain 24 readers until pretty much the end (well, 27 including those catching up) is the proof that it was indeed the right pace :slight_smile:

Can’t wait for a change, though. Looking forward to 少女終末旅行! :slight_smile:


I’m currently catching up at a rate of… uh… zero pages per day…


Don’t worry! Just double that speed. :crazy_face:


Have you finished 時をかける少女?

  • I finished 時をかける少女
  • I’m still reading 時をかける少女, but expect to finish
  • I don’t plan to read/finish 時をかける少女

0 voters

Out of 5, how would you rate the book? (1 is really bad, 5 is excellent)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • Unsure / Didn’t finish

0 voters


:ballot_box_with_check: I’m still reading It’s still sitting on the pile of books that I’m reading, but expect my ability at procrastination to prevent me from finishing.


The story was alright, but I’m grateful to this book for giving me such a boost, so I’m a but biased (and I don’t like voting for 3 and lower :sweat_smile:) And it really made me nervous and anxious sometimes when I was reading it too slow, translating every word:DD It was a fun read! \o/


Glad you had fun, even if just for the language practice!

I was torn between giving the book a 2 or 3, but I gave 魔女の宅急便 a 3 and that was more enjoyable, so I decided to give 時をかける少女 a 2. I guess that makes me the harshest critic so far. :man_shrugging:

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