文プロ(Bunpro): オノマトペ Deck - April 8th, 2024 - Japanese Grammar and Vocab SRS

@Exanimus Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that you are experiencing difficulty on Android. Are you using the Android app? If so, can you tell us which version you are using? If not, what browser are you using on your device. We hope that we can get this sorted out for you as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience. Cheers!

@gojarappe Thank you for your kind words and feedback! Please let us know if there is anything that we can do to improve your experience. Cheers!

@Mahi Thank you so much for your kind words! It is wonderful to hear that Bunpro helped you prepare for the JLPT. We are sure that you did great! Thank you also for letting others know about us. It really means a lot! We have had the ability to listen to the audio in reviews for quite some time, but it was not until recently that we got the remainder of N4 audio straightened out and uploaded to the site so that you could listen to it. We apologize for the delay! Did you know that you can set the audio to automatically play after you have entered a correct answer? Just go to your settings and turn Audio Autoplay on. Cheers!
P.S. - Really like your avatar!

@RoseWagsBlue Thank you for your kind words! We hope that we can continue to live up to your expectations. @Andulien Thank you for your reply! Cheers!

@Oshin :sob: Thank you so much! This really means so much to us. It is comments like yours that fill us with a great deal of joy and that drive us to be the best we can. Cheers!


App version 1.1

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@pushindawood First of all. Please accept a !!HOMUNGOUS THANK YOU!! for coming up with an SRS grammar site/app.

On the ohter hand I have a couple questions:

1- What is the difference between the free version and the subscription version?

2- Does it have an SRS reminder system like wanikani? Or do I have to go to my reviews manually, anytime I feel like reviewing?

I just started using the site a day ago, so please forgive my ignorance about it.



They have a FAQ that answers this. Bunpro FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - Bunpro - Bunpro Community


@anon11519654 Welcome! Thank you for your kind words and your inquiry!

The full version of the site is available to subscribers and includes:

  • All of Bunpro’s example sentences.
  • Bunpro’s manual-input SRS system to review those sentences.
  • Related Grammar
  • The ability to add your own notes and study questions.
  • All future updates and additions.

The free side of Bunpro is still an excellent grammar resource. You will still be able to view each grammar point’s meaning and structure, a limited number of example sentences and all of the reference links and textbook page numbers.

Each grammar point has a total of 12 SRS intervals (the amount of times you see a grammar point appear in your review queue) before a grammar point is considered “mastered” (“burned" on Wanikani). The SRS algorithm is 4hrs, 8hrs, 24hrs, 2 days, 4 days, 8 days, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, and 6 months for finished. This means that if your SRS is “3" and you get your answer correct, you will see a new sentence for that grammar point in two days time.

Want to learn more?

Bunpro greatly improves your ability to reproduce Japanese grammar by urging you to recall and type in each answer. With review questions that change as you progress and are written in a way that build upon previously studied grammar, you are presented with a new and unique context in every study session. This means that, as you advance with your studies, you get more and more exposure to the grammar that you have learned. Bunpro uses an intuitive spaced repetition system (SRS) that adjusts each review session to maximize the speed at which you learn. Bunpro even recognizes when your answer was close or similar to the correct answer and guides you in the right direction. By taking the opportunity to explain alternate answers rather than simply marking you incorrect, Bunpro helps you grasp subtle nuances and encourages you to keep learning.


Bunpro quizzes you in unique contexts with a SRS system that promotes the reproduction of Japanese grammar.

What’s in it for me?

・Grammar pages that explore multiple nuances, breakdowns, related grammar and supplemental resources to expand your grammar knowledge at your own pace .

・Example sentences that use previously studied grammar to further build upon the grammar that you have learned .

・Spaced repetition reviews that greatly improve your ability to reproduce what you have learned through manual input.

・Study questions that change as you progress to quiz you in new and unique contexts every time , so you no longer simply memorize sentences.

・Intelligent reviews that catch close or alternative answers to keep you motivated in your studies.

・Related grammar structures that allow you to compare and contrast similar grammar, nuances, and example sentences side-by-side so that you can finally understand the differences between similar grammar points .

・ Page numbers from a variety of textbooks so that you can follow along no matter your method of study .

So what?

When it comes to studying Japanese, there is an almost infinite amount of information out there. From grammar sites like Imabi and Tae Kim to great textbook resources like Genki Tobira, and Minna no Nihongo. However, there is no unified path to study. Every resource has its own grammar study order and often times you will find yourself studying N3 or N4 grammar before you are done with N5. While there is nothing wrong with this approach, you often end up finding a lack of continuity across multiple grammar resources.

With Bunpro, our aim is to give you a concise roadmap of what you need to learn here and now, consolidate multiple resources into one place, and reinforce what you learn as you progress to get the most out of your Japanese studies.

文プロ (Bunpro) is a play on words combining 文法 (ぶんぽう), which is Japanese for “grammar”, and プロ , meaning “pro” or “professional”.

Let us know if you have any further questions. Cheers!


Update! - December 13, 2018

Introducing Paths

Now you can study what you learn in your textbook right alongside Bunpro, page by page, chapter by chapter, grammar point by grammar point.

Click the star to the right of the screen to make a textbook your primary study resource. The textbook that you add will replace the current Study button so that you are always just a click away from your favorite resource!

Add an entire chapter or choose individual grammar points from each chapter to study and add to your reviews.

Right now we have the second editions of Genki I and II, the second edition of みんなの日本語 I, and Tobira available. We hope to have more textbooks added in the coming weeks/months, so if you don’t see your textbook on the list yet, don’t fret! :smile: We would love to hear what you think about Paths!

Search Update

Search now returns both Japanese and English to make it easier to find exactly what you are looking for.

Thank you for your continued support, kind words and feedback. If you have any suggestions we would love to hear them! Cheers!


You guys…

You’ve come a long way, haven’t you? :')


Dude, you’re killing it! :smiley:

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Edit: FIXED Looks like there is a bug with the Study Full Chapter button and clicking on the individual grammar tiles to see more information about the grammar. We are working on a fix and you can still use the Select for Study feature to add the grammar points to your reviews. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience! Cheers!

@jprspereira and @anon11519654 Thank you both so much! You guys rule. Cheers!

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完全マスターお願いします! :blush:
(Specifically N4 and N3 books are what I care about.)




@jprspereira When are we going to get our hands on your textbook?



Calm down JP.

It’s coming. I have other stuff to focus on first, but it’s a serious project :sunglasses: I just wanna do it right :grin::v:


Great update. みんなの日本語II would be really useful for me right now, until then, filling in the gaps between what I’ve tested so far and the contents of book 1 is really useful.



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I like the search update! Maybe you can even make a bit better use of the available space?



This is gold :durtle_noice: :durtle_love:


@jprspereira We can’t wait! All great things take time. :durtle_love:

@elynchbell Thank you for your comment. We are working on making みんなの日本語II available in Paths and hope to have something for you soon. Cheers!

@akitoru :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@NicoleIsEnough Thank you for your feedback! We will see what we can do about making better use of the available space. Not everyone has a massive display, you know… :stuck_out_tongue:

@MangoKuni You are gold! :medal_sports:


Bunpro - A Year In Review

As 2018 comes to a close we thought that it would be fun to look back and see how Bunpro has progressed over the past year.


Self Study - Implemented a way to create your own study questions in the Bunpro style and review them alongside your normal SRS reviews!

“New Theme” - Redesigned the main Bunpro theme and added Bunpro hankos (stamps) to track grammar that you have covered.

Self Study and Theme (Ow, my eyes!!!)


This is no longer the new theme! Look away!


Study - Implemented a way to study in the Bunpro order and add batches of grammar points to your review queue.

New N3 - Over 60 new grammar points added to N3.

Audio - Basic text to speech Audio added to N5 example sentences.

Related Grammar - We began adding related grammar to each grammar point at the bottom of the grammar point’s page.

March Images






New Review Design - Updated the review page to have a more modern look.

Audio in Reviews - Added an audio button to reviews (auto-play enabled in June).

New Design and Audio



Cram - Added the ability to review random example sentences from a particular JLPT level that draws from every available study question in our database to cover a variety of situations and nuances.




Ghost Reviews - Added additional reviews for grammar points that you have gotten incorrect and come back to haunt you (leeches).

Ghost Review Announcement and Tweaks


New N3 and N2 content - Lesson 6 of N2 was added and all of N3 got 12 examples sentences and study questions.

Font Sizing - We made Bunpro scalable!

UX Changes - We made it easier to start studying immediately, by making the Study button take you directly to where you left off. We improved spacing sitewide and changed the colors of your input in reviews to match the theme you have chosen.

September Images





New Theme - Bunpro got new dark and light themes

Related Grammar - N5 through N3 lessons populated with over 1000 related grammar structures.

New Themes




Related Grammar




Cram Update - In addition to All, Studied and Studied Sentences, we added the ability to choose to study ‘Troubled Grammar’. This is grammar that you have missed more than four times during your normal review sessions.

Improved Search - Added the option to search within a specific JLPT level or textbook. Search results that dynamically reflect what is typed to find grammar points more quickly and grammar points that display offline resources and page numbers to immediately reference textbooks for more information.



N2 - The core of N2 (all 10 N2 lessons) was made available.


Streak - Added a way to track how many days in a row you have studied.
XP - Added a way to get motivated to make progress by earning XP, leveling up and collecting badges.
Focus - Added the option to block out distractions and focus during reviews.

All about XP
  • Track how many days in a row you have studied.
  • Get motivated to make progress by earning XP, leveling up and collecting badges.
  • Block out distractions and focus during reviews.

Study Streak

Bunpro now tracks the amount of consecutive days you have signed into Bunpro and have done at least one review. Staying consistent with your studies is key to improving your Japanese and maintaining a streak will help keep you motivated on your language learning journey. You will also be rewarded for staying on top of your reviews and racking up high streaks (see below).

If you do not have any reviews in your review queue, the Cram function will also count toward your daily streak so you never miss a day.


Everyone will now earn experience points from reviewing grammar on Bunpro. Every time you put in a correct answer for a grammar point in reviews, you will receive XP. The amount of XP you earn is directly proportional to the grammar point’s current streak.

If you are reviewing a grammar point for the first time and you get it correct, you will receive 10XP. Each consecutive time you see the same grammar point appear in your reviews it will be worth more and more XP.

XP Breakdown by Streak

Streak 1: 10XP
Streak 2: 20XP
Streak 3: 30XP
Streak 4: 40XP
Streak 5: 50XP
Streak 6: 60XP
Streak 7: 70XP
Streak 8: 80XP
Streak 9: 90XP
Streak 10: 100XP
Streak 11: 150XP
Streak 12: 200XP

The amount of XP you have earned can be viewed under the Account dropdown or on your Profile page.

Levels and Badges

You can now level up in Bunpro! Your level corresponds to the amount of XP you have earned from reviewing grammar. The amount of XP required for reaching the next level is shown on the right side of the XP progress bar in Reviews or in the Account dropdown.

You will also be rewarded with badges, medals and other achievements for earning a certain number of XP, leveling up, staying consistent with your studies, or completing hidden challenges.


Introducing a new way to review on Bunpro. We know that there are a lot of distractions in life and we wanted to cut down on as many of them as possible so you get the most out of your grammar learning. To better maintain focus on your studies, you now have the ability to hide the heads-up display (HUD) in reviews. This includes the top menu bar, your remaining review count, percentage, SRS and ghost review indicators, and your XP progress bar.

Simply click Focus On in the dropdown menu in reviews to turn on Focus. Set Focus to your default review set up in Settings.

With these new features in place, you will be able to visualize your progress and be motivated to study every day. We are looking forward to hearing what you think! Cheers!

Paths - Added ways to study what you learn in your textbook right alongside Bunpro, make a textbook your primary study resource, and add entire chapters or choose individual grammar points from each chapter to study and add to your reviews.


Now you can study what you learn in your textbook right alongside Bunpro, page by page, chapter by chapter, grammar point by grammar point.

Click the star to the right of the screen to make a textbook your primary study resource. The textbook that you add will replace the current Study button so that you are always just a click away from your favorite resource!

Add an entire chapter or choose individual grammar points from each chapter to study and add to your reviews.

Right now we have the second editions of Genki I and II, the second edition of みんなの日本語 I, and Tobira available. We hope to have more textbooks added in the coming weeks/months, so if you don’t see your textbook on the list yet, don’t fret! :smile: We would love to hear what you think about Paths!

We are tremendously humbled by the outpouring of support, ideas, and feedback that all of you have provided us since we started Bunpro. Thank you again for all of your feedback, kind words, and patience as we continue to work on the site!

P.S. Starting from December 17th, we have made the Bunpro Lifetime Membership available for $120 (normally $150).

The Lifetime option gives you access to all current and future grammar for the lifetime of the site minus the cost of a yearly subscription! If you are upgrading from a monthly or yearly subscription, your account will be prorated for the time that you have not used.

This sale will end on January 7th, 2019.

:tada: Happy Holidays! :tada:


Thank you so much for making Bunpro! This is such an innovative, well-designed site, and I am so happy to watch it blossom into such a fantastic tool. I’ve been using Bunpro for months, and it has really helped improve my Japanese comprehension and keep me motivated to keep learning. I appreciate the concise explanations, carefully constructed example sentences, and links to additional resources. It’s a wonderful complement to WaniKani, and I’m excited to see what you folks cook up in 2019! :partying_face:

The XP update has been super addictive, by the way…