放浪息子 (Wandering Son) miscellaneous discussion

Page 14

Maybe she’s laughing so hard that it’s 苦しい. I feel like I’ve heard it used that way before, but I’m not sure.

Page 15

Your understanding is right. Jisho shows alternate spellings, one of which is 散売り. The kanji 散 means “scattered”. Apparently ばら as a word by itself can also mean “loose articles (not packaged with other things); bulk items; individual items”, so I think that explains the meaning here.

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Well that makes a lot more sense than the “rose selling” I was getting from the first result from Jisho :sweat_smile:. I have no idea how I could miss that the second one made more sense. Brain why.



I don’t think he calms down from that as much as realize she’s just being an ass?


I think several pages have her going through her days and shows her dreams at the same time. The dream stuff is mostly in black. 19-21 are
Mostly her awake, though, except the bottom of 21

Yeah 話したきゃ means what you think


Gotta say, reading this scattershot makes it even more confusing than actually reading through it straight!
Also I always have so many feelings

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How long has it been since you first read the series?

Eeeeiiight years? Or something? Long enough. Back then I understood less and used illegal scanlations to help.

I remember all the major points and who all the characters are and how their relationships evolve and change. But a lot if the details feel new to me.

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Wow, kinda strikes home the fact that this manga has been around for so long, and I just never realized :thinking:
I really suck at finding interesting stuff to read. (Randomly picking books at bookoff isn’t working, who would have thought)


I mean, how do you even find good stuff before it gets turned into an anima and becomes really popular? But yeah, the series wasn’t even done when I was reading it. I’ve said before, but I only went up to volume 10 because that’s what had been published when I was reading.

Real story though
I actually found this particular manga by relentlessly googling for and checking entire lists of gender swap manga :sweat_smile:


Been there, done that :thinking: Maybe it did show up and I just missed it? I remember being a bit underwhelmed by the suggestions I tried first…

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One part of my post is missing and I can’t add it by edit because “error the body is too similar to one of your recent posts”

I wanted to say “that’s why I gave up this approach”

Repression amirite

I feel like I was really lucky to find it and actually look at it. Most of it is what you’d expect. Also, in a list? 放浪息子 is not an appealing title. Not least because I twitch a bit every time I say/write it because I feel like I’m misgendering : p



That’s generally how I find stuff… Funny story about how I got to reading this manga.

  1. Watched the 青い花 anime, because I was on a run of watching a bunch of yuri anime.
  2. Enjoyed 青い花 enough that I looked for everything else made by the same mangaka, and 放浪息子 had the best ratings.
  3. Enjoyed the 放浪息子 anime even more than 青い花, so I put it on my list of manga to eventually read when I could.

Spending all day on myanimelist and checking new releases? Having a lot of friends to talk about manga and get stuff recommended to you?

I’m not following


That one’s new to me, too. It takes some time, but you could start by joining an anime/manga community.
Something like this: https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1759337
Or this: MAL Yearly Anime/Manga Challenge (AWC/MRC)

B-being part of one community isn’t enough? You want me to be part of MORE?


I have coworkers, but I’m the one always recommending stuff to them. Though one of them keeps telling me to watch Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex, so maybe I’ll finally do that.


That one’s good, although I had just watched the movie and couldn’t get past the art. Haven’t revisited it, though.

Vol. 3 - Chapter 19

Page 36

Not sure what’s up with the ち or what the overall meaning is.

Page 45

いいよ もう
Maybe I’m too sleepy but does this mean “It’s fine since [you] already showed it to me” (talking about Shuu’s picture?)

Maho why are you doing this to yourself what is your deal?

The guy who just took the notebook is the one from the trip or do all assholes look similar to me?

I really want to keep reading but it’s so late it took me ages to understand even the grammar I’m familiar with :sweat_smile: What is free time.


It’s fine, since you won’t tell me