手伝って頂きませんかStarting to Use the Self-Study Button

Oh fabulous computer 名手たち、please help me figure out how to start using
this.  I installed the self-study button.  I can see it on my wani-kani
dashboard.  I uploaded vocab.  But I can not use it! How do I start
using it? Pleeeeeeeeeeease help the computer illiterate. 
Pleeeeeeeeease.  Thank you!

I was going to say “post on the script thread”, but apparently you already did 2 weeks ago.

Haven’t used that script yet, so I can’t really help you.

Did you read the whole description of the script?

The screenshot in the OP kinda tells me you should just go to your reviews or something.

Any way, good luck. And if this doesn’t work, do Anki.